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Why this gift is special
Ready to surprise a loved one with a delightful way to start the day? Dive into ourBirthday Breakfast Basket! More than a gift, it's a promise of an amazing start to any morning.

Iberian Sliced Ham (100g): A savory treat that brings the essence of Spain to your plate.

Cured Cheese Wedge (250g): Robust and flavorful, this cheese is a true delight for the palate.

Focaccine with Olive Selection (200g): A delightful bite of the Mediterranean, perfect for any snack time.

Colombia Medellin Supremo Coffee (250g): Start your day with this aromatic coffee, offering a rich and robust flavor.

Mini White Orchid: A touch of nature's elegance, this orchid symbolizes beauty and sophistication. It comes with an elegant white pot.

English Breakfast tea: A classic tea blend that promises a refreshing start to the day.

Strawberry and Champagne Jam (130g): A harmonious blend of sweetness and effervescence.

Coconut Choc Macaroon (220g): A delightful fusion of coconut and chocolate, perfect for a sweet treat.

Yogurt Bars: A healthy and delicious snack, perfect for on-the-go.

Why should you give this gift? To brighten someone's morning and offer them a curated experience of taste and refreshment.

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Birthday Breakfast

Gourmet Gift Basket

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*Depending on the delivery country the price may change.

Select a date range to deliver your gift:

It takes us 2 working days to make your gift extra special. Please, select the date range that best suits you for the delivery.
Express Delivery
May 22 - May 23
2 Working Days:range_days Working Days

This is how they will receive your gift:

  • Discover the magic! Your eco-friendly gourmet basket reveals treats or a lush plant, wrapped in tissue.
  • Elevate your gifting! Personalize each basket with a heartfelt note, making it memorable for your loved ones.
  • Experience the unboxing joy! Your gift basket, filled with gourmet treats or a plant, is a surprise ready for a special moment.