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Why this gift is special
Ready to surprise someone special with a blend of nature's charm and indulgent treats? Dive into our Red in love Basket! More than a gift, it's a magical experience with nature's beauty.

Les Argelieres Pinot Noir: A red wine known for its rich and robust flavor.

Lindt Milk Chocolate (160g): Dive into a world of chocolaty goodness.

Red Anthurium: A vibrant touch of nature, this Anthurium plant adds a splash of color and tropical elegance to any space. It comes in an elegant white pot.

Strawberry and Champagne Jam (130g): A harmonious blend of sweetness and effervescence.

Tomato Focaccine (200g): A delightful bite of the Mediterranean, perfect for any snack time.

Candle: Set the mood for a relaxing evening.

Why should you give this gift? To express admiration, to celebrate a special moment, or to simply indulge in life's little luxuries.

You no longer have to search for a gift shop near you! Floraqueen is an online store offering beautiful flower bouquets and gift baskets for your special occasions - we offer home flower and gift delivery.
Red in love

Gourmet Gift Basket

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*Depending on the delivery country the price may change.

Select a date range to deliver your gift:

It takes us 2 working days to make your gift extra special. Please, select the date range that best suits you for the delivery.
Express Delivery
May 22 - May 23
2 Working Days:range_days Working Days

This is how they will receive your gift:

  • Discover the magic! Your eco-friendly gourmet basket reveals treats or a lush plant, wrapped in tissue.
  • Elevate your gifting! Personalize each basket with a heartfelt note, making it memorable for your loved ones.
  • Experience the unboxing joy! Your gift basket, filled with gourmet treats or a plant, is a surprise ready for a special moment.