Roses and dollars

Why Do People Pay a Premium Price for Flowers?

While flowers are beautiful and a great way to wish someone a happy birthday or to demonstrate your love, they sometimes carry a rather hefty price-tag. Obviously flowers are a premium gift but considering they are quite simple and can be grown en-mass with ease many people wonder why flowers are as expensive as they […]

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Flowers hanging in glass jars

How Long Do Cut Flowers Last in a Vase?

How Long Do Roses Last? Roses, when freshly cut and properly cared for, can last anywhere from one week to two weeks. The longevity of roses depends on factors such as the variety of the rose, the freshness of the flowers when cut, and the care they receive. To extend their lifespan, it’s essential to […]

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Red and yellow Marigolds

The Magic of Marigolds

Marigolds are a great addition to a colourful bouquet of flowers. They have bright yellow and red hues, have a distinctive fresh smell and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The benefits don’t end there however, as we turn our focus over to the magic of marigolds and find out just what these […]

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Hollywood walk of fame

Our Top 5 Celebrity Flower Fans

Lifestyles of the rich and the famous are always in the news and while most things about their love lives and projects hit the front pages one of the things we hear less about is their personal hobbies and interests. Unsurprisingly there are a quite large number of celebrity flower fans out there and here […]

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Best songs about flowers

Five of the best songs about flowers

Music and flowers are great partners with both inspiring each other in some ways. Lots of songs have been written about flowers over the years but is it possible to choose 5 of the best? We’re going to attempt to do just that today and to choose the five that we like the most. So, […]

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Bright colourful gerberas

Know your flower: Gerberas

Gerberas daisies are one of the most popular flowers to send to a loved one. They have bright bursting colours and compliment many different types of bouquet but how much do you really know about these gorgeous bold beauties. Well wonder no more, we’re going to tell you all about them. Where they come from […]

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Jon Snow Flower

Game of Thrones: A flower for every character

The 7th season of Game of Thrones is underway and even we at FloraQueen couldn’t resist writing an article about it. Every flower has a specific role in the kingdom of flowers thanks to its unique appearance and characteristics, so we’re going to play a game. What flower would make the best flower to send […]

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Send gifts internationally to make someone happy

5 top tips to send gifts internationally

Sending gifts internationally seems easy but there are some things to be careful of. The world of giving and receiving gifts varies dramatically depending on what country you are in. We live in a far more connected world than ever before and with business and families becoming global, it is becoming more and more common […]

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shutterstock 157168427 FloraQueen EN Care for sunflowers: 5 top tips

Care for sunflowers: 5 top tips

Sunflowers are one of the most symbolic flowers when it comes to this time of year as the summer kicks off and sunshine fills the air with heat and the fragrances of fresh flowers. Do you know how to care for sunflowers?. It can be hard to know exactly how to care for these beautiful […]

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shutterstock 517522957 FloraQueen EN Send flowers to Italy: if each city were a flower

Send flowers to Italy: if each city were a flower

Send flowers to Italy: if each city were a flower You will have hopefully seen our previous blog on the stereotypes to consider when you send flowers to Italy. Having read this you will know how the Italians love their flowers. What we are going to consider in this blog, is if each city in […]

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shutterstock 567426238 FloraQueen EN Send flowers to France: 7 things you probably never knew about Paris

Send flowers to France: 7 things you probably never knew about Paris

Of course you know that Paris is also known as the City of Love. So, If you have loved ones in Paris it’s more than likely that you’ll find yourself in the position of wanting to ensure they feel the love and send flowers to France. These special people are lucky to have such loving […]

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shutterstock 538288828 FloraQueen EN What to know before you send flowers to Germany

What to know before you send flowers to Germany

What traits do you think of when you think of German people? Although there are many words to describe these great people, most people would probably say efficient, punctual and serious. These aren’t qualities that you would think lend to being appreciative of beautiful, yet less practical gifts such as flowers. However, this couldn’t be further […]

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shutterstock 610002353 1 FloraQueen EN Great alternative uses for your overseas flower delivery

Great alternative uses for your overseas flower delivery

What is the primary purpose of an overseas flower delivery? To look beautiful of course. However, once the flower passes its best, which sadly they all do at some stage, there are some great alternative uses for your blooms. If you have received an overseas flower delivery then we are sure you will find something fun to try […]

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shutterstock 568800043 FloraQueen EN 5 stereotypes to consider when you send flowers to Italy

5 stereotypes to consider when you send flowers to Italy

Many stereotypes about Italians exist and whilst of course they aren’t all mobsters with Mario moustaches, there are many which any Italian would agree describe most of their felllow citizens! Do you have a loved one from Italy? Of course you will want to send them gifts to show how they are in your thoughts […]

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shutterstock 562151596 FloraQueen EN The message behind your international flower delivery

The message behind your international flower delivery

Sending an international flower delivery is a way for you to show your loved ones their importance to you. However, do you know the message behind the flowers that you lovingly send them? Of course, sending flowers is an act of kindness that will be appreciated by the recipient no matter what. However, were you […]

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shutterstock 396918436 FloraQueen EN Want to send flowers to France? Read this first!

Want to send flowers to France? Read this first!

So, you want to send flowers to France? Take care, if you are looking to send flowers to France you had better make sure you choose the right ones. The French won’t accept any old bouquet! They have a connection to flowers that is unmatched in most of the world. Read on to discover why and pick up […]

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shutterstock 426990439 FloraQueen EN How to perfect your international gift delivery

How to perfect your international gift delivery

We all have friends and family who live in other parts of the world, don’t we? Or, perhaps you are that brave soul who has ventured beyond the borders of your country to now reside somewhere else. What this means is that there are many people who we would like to surprise with an international […]

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shutterstock 639796363 FloraQueen EN The power of medicinal flowers

The power of medicinal flowers

Did you know that flowers can be used to cure various ailments? Well, medicinal flowers can cure anything from rashes, to “funny tummys” or even to calm anxiety. Flowers are a completely natural medicine, meaning that you don’t have to worry about any nasty side effects. As well as being 100% natural, they also can be much cheaper to […]

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shutterstock 631414520 FloraQueen EN How to choose the perfect bouquet from an international florist

How to choose the perfect bouquet from an international florist

Do you have a loved one who is abroad who you looking to send a bouquet to in the coming weeks with an international florist? Thankfully for you, we are on hand to give you some advice on how to choose the perfect bouquet to say how you feel. Read on and discover which bouquet […]

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shutterstock 298146062 FloraQueen EN Be smart: how to save when sending international flowers!

Be smart: how to save when sending international flowers!

You have a loved one living abroad, their birthday arrives and you want to send them your best wishes, thankfully FloraQueen are here to help you send international flowers. But are you using our service wisely? We care about our loyal customers like you and want to help you to get the most out of […]

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shutterstock 602593055 FloraQueen EN Floral fashion ideas for mom and daughter

Floral fashion ideas for mom and daughter

They often say that daughters will end up dressing like their moms. Have you found this to be the case? Of course during a daughter’s early years they don’t have much say in what they wear! During these years daughters are more than happy to wear what their mom wants and this can often lead […]

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shutterstock 552826654 FloraQueen EN The best flower paintings

The best flower paintings

Artists have always looked for the most beautiful objects to paint and display in their work. So it is no surprise that flowers take centre stage in thousands of pieces of art. However, out of this extensive collection, which are the best flower paintings? Read on and take a look at some of our favourites. The […]

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shutterstock 192318806 FloraQueen EN The meaning of flowers in our dreams

The meaning of flowers in our dreams

We spend a third of our lives asleep, that’s a lot of time spent dreaming, reflecting on our waking life! Dreams aren’t just random, they come from memories, both recent and distant. Did you know that we don’t create any of the images we see in our dreams? Every face that we see, every building or landscape is […]

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shutterstock 218458954 FloraQueen EN Aphrodisiac flowers and plants

Aphrodisiac flowers and plants

We all love flowers and plants for their natural beauty and their ability to put a smile on our face, even on the bleakest of days. What many of us may not be aware of are aphrodisiac flowers and the powers that they posess. Intrigued? Well, read on! aphrodisiac flowers and plants Ginseng  When looking […]

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