Yellow is a bright, cheery color that everyone wants to add to their tropical garden. Finding the right flower can be tricky unless you know what to look for. The first thing is, of course, to look at the space you have and what kind of plant you need. If it is a hedge that is wanted, some varieties do better than others. Some flowers are capable of being grown in a pot, whereas others aren’t. Knowing the climate has hot summers and mild winters, this list is a great place to start.

Today, in this article, we are going to talk about yellow flowers.

* Yellow Hibiscus

* Yellow Sunflowers

* The Brownie Rose

* Marigolds

* Golden Butterfly Weed

Yellow Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a versatile plant that does well in a variety of conditions. As long as the soil is well-drained and the plant is in full sun, it thrives, providing blooms all year. It’s most likely the first flower that comes to mind when thinking of a tropical flower as it is so popular and easy to maintain. It is listed as an endangered species and is even rare in Hawaii, where it is their national flower. However, in Bermuda, it is seen on many private and public properties. Local nurseries tend to always have it in stock, year-round. Though hibiscus has the ability to grow from seed, they grow much quicker and are more reliable when propagated from cuttings.

Many tropical places and islands use hibiscus as hedging. It provides privacy between neighbors and back gardens. Prune the hibiscus to the shape of your liking to keep it healthy. Hibiscus also does great in pots, some more so than others. Yellow hibiscus comes in two varieties; single bloom and double bloom. The double yellow hibiscus is a gorgeous, showy flower with a shape similar to many roses. The double yellow hibiscus is grown more so as a shrub than in hedge due to the stems being more sparse. The single yellow hibiscus is perfect for hedging. Both varieties can grow in pots.

Yellow Sunflowers

When thinking of a yellow flower, the sunflower is the first one that comes to mind for many people. Weather permitting, sunflowers have the ability to grow and bloom at any time of the year. Sunflowers can be seeded throughout the year but germinate quicker in warmer conditions. They can tolerate poor soil and can even be grown in pots. There are many varieties of yellow sunflowers that have various sizes, shapes, and tones of yellow. Sunflowers are annuals and must be replanted every year. Find the right size and variety for your garden and enjoy yellow blooms all year long.

The Brownie Rose

In celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Brownies, the brownie rose was specially produced. The Girl Guide Association sold 100 of these roses in March 2010 to members of the Bermuda Rose Society as well as the public. The brownie rose is a Floribunda, which means it is a clustered flower. They are a cross with dwarf Polyanthas and hybrid teas. Smaller and bushier than an average hybrid tea, the brownie rose is less dense and sprawling than the Polyantha.

Bermuda has varied soil, where not many floribundas have done well, yet the brownie rose bush settled in happily. The tall, prickly stem reaches 5 feet tall and can withstand some wind. The juvenile foliage is a lighter green, which turns a bronze color before changing to a dark shiny green color. All leaves are thinly serrated. The striking yellow blooms are grown in clusters spanning four inches. The blooms are semi-double with a mild fragrance. The pointy buds are a pale green taking a time of up to 10 days to fully open. This rose variety produces large, round hips that start dark green, fading over time. Though not a great cut flower, the brownie rose blooms more than once a year.


Marigolds are subtropical plants and are known for their hardiness and beautiful, long-lasting blooms. Various varieties offer different shapes and shades of yellow, giving people more variety and opportunity to plant marigolds. Where winters are mild, marigold blooms all year as long as they are given enough water. It is safe to seed marigolds any time throughout the year with successful germination and blooms. In colder areas, be sure to deadhead the marigolds as it has the ability to self-seed. Marigolds are one of the hardiest garden-grown flowers, given their versatility with climate, it makes them one of the most popular with all generations. The Mexican sunflower, also known as the tree marigold, thrives in tropical climates but is known to be invasive. Care must be taken when planting the Mexican sunflower.

Yellow marigolds make great vegetable companions for certain crops such as tomatoes and peppers when planting along the side of each other. They are great at nematode control, attracting pollinators. The pollinators also help pollinate your companion vegetables nearby. A popular practice in Bermuda to test soil quality in a flexible, cheap manner is through marigolds. Marigolds are safe to seed anytime throughout the year with successful germination and blooms.

Golden Butterfly Weed

There are many butterfly weeds, known as milkweed. The bright, golden milkweed is the most popular. Milkweed is very popular as there has recently been a decline of Monarch butterflies. This is due to more land being built on and pesticides being more heavily used. Monarch caterpillars only eat and lay eggs on milkweed, making it vital to keep the plant growing. Milkweed is an easy plant to get children started on getting involved in gardening. It is the most popular plant that teachers buy for their students. It’s become a trend with children to purchase terrariums to watch the entire process from caterpillar to butterfly. Leaves with eggs are placed inside the terrarium where it hatches and becomes a caterpillar, which then forms a chrysalis and finally, a butterfly.

Though the plant does not flower all year round, the plant itself continues to grow and eventually, produce seed pods. Place the plant in the full sun and don’t worry about fertilization. Milkweed was commonly found growing wild in poor soil conditions. Once the seed pods on the end of the stem start to turn a reddish/brown color, it can be picked. Open the pods and pick the seeds off of the fluff, which is known as the milkweed silk. Either save the seeds until ready to be planted or plant them in the soil of your choosing. If the pods are not picked, they will open on their own, spreading the seed wherever the wind takes them.