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Why this gift is special
A mature whisky is special enough on its own but even more so when paired with the right snacks. Salty and cheesy crackers, earthy artichokes, tangy olives and dark chocolate break up the rich intensity of the blended Scotch Whisky in this hamper. A great gift for the whisky appreciator and anyone with a savoury palate.


A 70cl bottle of Chivas Regal 12-year-old blended Scotch Whisky.

Parmesan cheese crackers (vegan), 130g. 

Tomato-flavoured crackers (vegan) 130g.

Sal De Ibiza ‘La Vie en Rose’ potato chips, 45g.

Jar of grilled artichokes, 293g. 

Hot peppers stuffed with tuna or cheese in oil and herbs, 314ml.

Jar of Arbequina olives, 160g.

All-butter mini cheese twists, 90g. 

Box of dark chocolate twigs, 125g.

Savoury Flavours

Scotch Whisky and Salty Snacks

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It takes us 2 working days to make your gift extra special. Please, select the date range that best suits you for the delivery.
Express Delivery
May 22 - May 23
2 Working Days:range_days Working Days

This is how they will receive your gift:

  • Discover the magic! Your eco-friendly gourmet basket reveals treats or a lush plant, wrapped in tissue.
  • Elevate your gifting! Personalize each basket with a heartfelt note, making it memorable for your loved ones.
  • Experience the unboxing joy! Your gift basket, filled with gourmet treats or a plant, is a surprise ready for a special moment.