Pot: 12cm

Height: 20-30cm


Not suitable for pets or children as its leaves can cause stomach upset if ingested.

It is sensitive to draughts, avoid leaving it exposed to the open air.

Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn its leaves.


Light: It does not need much light to survive. However, it appreciates the environments with indirect light.

Watering Moderate: 1 time to the week.

Moisture: Likes to cool down, spray its leaves once a week.

Top Tip: An easy way to water is to put it in the shower, a few minutes under lukewarm water and it will be delighted. Let the excess water drain off.


According to NASA studies, the peace lily helps filter harmful substances from the air, helping to oxygenate the environment and regulate humidity.

It is said to attract positive energy to the environments in which it is found.

Peace Lily

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