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Ideal plants for beginners: Zamioculca, Jade Tree and Ivy
Just because your space doesn't have a lot of natural light or you have trouble remembering things, doesn't mean you can't have plants. Here is a selection of plants that are very easy to care for.


Also called "Raven Plant". It takes its name from the shape of its leaves, which are arranged in a similar way to the bird's wings. It is a very popular plant because of its unique style.

It needs very little maintenance and will thrive in almost any indoor environment, making it a perfect choice for beginners.

Fitsa 15 -16cmpot

Jade Tree

The Jade or 'Crassula Ovata' is a succulent variety, so it doesn't need a lot of care. You can place it almost anywhere in your home.

It adapts to different light levels, requires little watering and has a fairly fast growth rate

Fits ina 15cmpot


If you don't have much experience in plant care we recommend this one. It grows very fast, adapts easily to all kinds of environments and requires little watering.

This plant is one of our favourite starter plants, as its fast growth encourages you to keep learning about plants. It is also perfect for hanging on a shelf

Fitsin a 15 -16cmpot

Plant Trio

Ideal for Beginners

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