What is the primary purpose of an overseas flower delivery? To look beautiful of course. However, once the flower passes its best, which sadly they all do at some stage, there are some great alternative uses for your blooms. If you have received an overseas flower delivery then we are sure you will find something fun to try for yourself in this blog. If you have sent one, then why not forward them this blog and help them make the most of their flowers?

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Alternative uses for your overseas flower delivery

make your own potpourri

overseas flower delivery potpourri

After receiving a beautiful bouquet it’s very sad to throw it away, so don’t! Make your own potpourri, it doesn’t matter what type of flower you received. The process is relatively simple. Firstly dry out the petals and then after a couple of days place them in a jar and mix with rosewater, cinnamon and lavender. All you need to do then is close the lid and allow all the beautiful scents to combine for a week and voila, your own homemade potpourr is ready.

brew a floral tea

overseas flower delivery rose tea

Although it is possible to make a tea out of many varieties of flower, the most popular is rose due to its perceived nicer flavour. To make rose tea, place 2 cups of the petals from your rose bouquet in a saucepan and add 3 cups of water. After boiling for 5 minutes simply strain and add sugar or honey to your own taste. This certainly isn’t a tea that milk would improve, sorry Brits!

However, this doesn’t simply make a nice drink, rose tea contains many health benefits. Its high vitamin C content means that rose tea will improve your immune system and the production of proteins which are essential for healthy skin and hair.

make floral ice cubes

overseas flower delivery floral ice cubes

These are our favourite alternative use for your overseas flower delivery. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be particularly arty to make them, it’s very simple! Simply fill an ice cube tray with any flower petals, pour water over them and freeze.

If you’re having guests over for a summer dinner party these will be great additions to make them go “wow! We would recommend serving with a fruity punch as the 2 combined will create a beautifully colourful summer drink.

have a detoxing rose petal bath

overseas flower delivery rose bath

Everyone loves a nice relaxing bath don’t they. However, have you ever tried one with rose petals? We promise that you want regret it! Run your bath as usual and once half full throw in a couple of cups of fresh rose petals to ensure that the petals spread well and the soothing scent infuses nicely. To put the icing on the cake, add some lavender to ensure that it is the most relaxing bath of your life. The rose and lavender will combine to create a scent which is proven to reduce stress and stimulte the production of positive hormones.

It’s not just the detox that this bath will provide. The health properties of the petals will smooth the skin and clear pores to help with acne. What is not to like?

add petals to your food

overseas flower delivery

Provided you have checked beforehand whether your flowers are edible, they can make great additions to your meal. Did you know that the Chinese add chrysanthemum petals to their stir fries? We would suggest adding dandelions to your salads, they go really well due to their sweet yet mild flavour. However, as we said before as long as you do your research and know that your flowers are edible, can wild and experiment! Who knows? Maybe you could stumble across the next big craze in healthy eating.

Which of our suggestions have you liked most? Do you have any of your own ideas for reusing bouquets? We would love to hear from you!

So now you have discovered the secret to making the most out of your flowers once they have gone past their best, there are even more reasons to send an overseas flower delivery. Which of your loved ones has an important event coming up soon? Take a look at our summer flowers catalogue and you are sure to find something perfect.