Hawaii is one of the best places in the whole world known by 1000s of fantastic characteristics such as lovely inhabitants that are very social and kind, delicious food, beautiful views, places, beaches, and weather. It is also an amazing place to enjoy the beauty and the charm of its flowers because the flora of Hawaii is very diverse.

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In addition to this natural richness, there are two things special about Hawaii. The warm climate and heavy soil that helps beautiful flowers and plants to grow in a healthy way to make a big large variety.

People all over the world are traveling 1000s of miles to visit this subtropical region, to relax, to have fun, and to spend their vacations in a better place.

In this article, we are going to talk about the following:

* What are the types of flowers that grow in Hawaii?

* What are the origins of Hawaiian flowers?

* What are the types of flowers according to their colors in Hawaii?

* Which flowers are part of the pink group?

* Which flowers are part of the blue and purple groups?

* Which flowers are part of the white group?

* What are the best-selling flowers in Hawaii?

* Why visit Hawaii?

* What is the meaning of flowers in Hawaii?

What are the Types of Flowers that Grow in Hawaii?

From the beginning of time, Hawaii is known for its native flowers. It contains 100s of types that are fascinating and charming. For example, there is Argemone glauca, Pua Kala, Cibotium glaucum, Coprosma ernodeoides, and Cordia subcordata. There is also Dodonaea viscosa with Florida Hopbush, Geranium cuneatum, and Hinahina.

Additionally, Hawaii is home of the Hibiscus brackenridgei and Ma’o Hau Hele, Ipomoea indica and Ocean Blue morning glory, Ludwigia octovalvis, and Mexican primrose-willow.

You can also find Lycopodiella cernua, too, with Staghorn Clubmoss, Metrosideros polymorpha and’Ohi’a Lehua.

All those nouns sound scary but be sure there are beautiful flowers behind those! Hawaii’s favorable climate can only bring make astonishing creations after all!

What are the Origins of Hawaiian Flowers?

There are three categories of Hawaiian flowers: endemic, native, and introduced. The endemic is the type of flowers that exist only in the state of Hawaii. Native refers to flowers occurring naturally on the island of Hawaii, but they exist in other places of the world, too. Finally, the third group contains flowers that are brought to Hawaii by people who visited the islands in the past.

What are the Types of Flowers According to their Colors in Hawaii?

According to colors, Hawaiian flora is divided into eight groups, which means eight colors: pink, red, orange, yellow, green, purple and blue, white, and finally brown.

All those flowers have different meanings depending on their color, and they can give your bouquet a special and beautiful global aspect.

Which Flowers are Part of the Pink Group?

The pink group contains Alpinia Purpurata – Red Ginger, Alpinia zerumbet – Shell Ginger. Ananas comosus – pineapple, Anthurium andreanum – Anthurium, Arthrostemma ciliatum -Pinkfringe.

Additionally, there are Arundina graminifolia – Bamboo Orchid, Bougainvillea, Emilia sonchifolia – Lilac Tasselflower. Heliconia psittacorum – Parakeet Heliconia. Heterocentron subtriplinervium – Pearlflower. Musa ornata – flowering banana. Finally, you can find Plymeria rubra – frangipani, and Oxalis debilis var.corymbosa – Pink Wood Sorrel.

Again, some difficult words to say, but the flowers are very beautiful!

Which Flowers are Part of the Blue and Purple Groups?

This group is very full and rich because it includes dozens of types such as Calathea burle-marxii – Ice Blue Calathea, Commelina diffusa – Climbing Dayflower, Desmodium intortum – Greenleaf Ticktrefoil, and Dichorisandra thyrsiflora – Blue Ginger. You can also find Ipomoea cairia – Mile a Minute Vine, Ipomoea indica – Ocanblue Morning-glory, Ipomoea triloba – Littlebell, and Otacanthus caeruleus-Brazilian snapdragon.

There are also wonderful types such as Plumbago auriculata, Rotheca myricoides – Blue Butterfly bush, Stachytarpheta spp.- Porterweed, and finally, there is Tibouchina urvilleana – Princess-flower.

Which Flowers are Part of the White Group?

In this group, you can find whitish or cream-colored flowers. For example, Anemone hupehensis – Japanese Thimbeweed, Argemone glauca – Pua Kala, Carica papaya, Clusia rosea -Autograph Tree, Costus speciosus – crepe Ginger, and Heterocentron subtrilpinervium -Pearlflower.

What are the Best-Selling Flowers in Hawaii?

All types of Hawaiian flowers are wonderful. They are always requested from visitors and tourists, but some of them are on top of the list as they tend to be the local’s best-sellers.

There is Allamanda cathartica, Red Tower Ginger, Crocosmia, Heliconia Rostrata – Hanging Lobster Claw, Tibouchina urvillana – Princess-flower, Desmodium intortum – Greenleaf Ticktrefoil, cordia subcordata – Kou, Malvaviscus penduliflorus – Mazapan, Musa Acuminata, Passiflora vitifolia – Perfumed Passionflower, Ipomoea obscura, Merremia tuberosa, Bird of Paradise, Plumeria rubra, Thespesia populnea, Barleria repens, Coral creeper and finally Hibiscus rosa-sinesis – Chinese Hibiscus.

Why to Visit Hawaii?

Hawaii remains one of the best islands in the world that are rich in flowers, beautiful landscapes, and views that deserves to be seen.

There is also the great Hawaiian sunny weather that attracts visitors from all around the world! You can enjoy a surfing session, enjoy the sea, the sun, celebrate your honeymoon with your new bride, and spend days of your vacation in this fantastic piece of world far away from your daily job and problems. What is amazing about Hawaii is the fact that you can easily find a plane ticket because it is one of the most visited places in the world: a paradise on earth!

What is the Meaning of Flowers in Hawaii?

People of Hawaii are very attentive when it comes to choosing flowers because they respect their language. For example, for the red roses mean love in its various forms, Amaryllis is symbolic of beauty. Snapdragon is a symbol of graciousness and strength. Protea means transformation and change.

Sunflower means pure adoration and dedication in addition to pure thoughts. Tulip symbolizes fame and it represents a declaration of love. Orchid symbolizes refinement, mature charm, and proud and glorious femininity. Bouvardia double stands for enthusiasm and used to indicate zest for life.

Flowers of Hawaii are the best in the world because they are so varied in terms of shapes, colors, and smells. You can go there to enjoy your days by walking in multicolor gardens with your special person, make 100s of memories and buy some of the flowers to your family, friends, classmates or even your boss at work. They are going to make you happier, more relaxed and more active; there is always a wonderful occasion to use flowers as a symbol of love and respect.