It’s easy to find yourself in a rut and needing some motivation. You could be dealing with challenging situations in life, or someone you know could be feeling low. Maybe you just need some inspiration as you pursue new goals, develop new habits, and face your fears. There is no shortage of motivation all around. Staying motivated is vital to success because it takes discipline and grit to get results. Inspirational quotes are one great way to surround yourself with motivation.

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In this article, we are going to look at the power of motivation:

Why You Need to Motivate Yourself

Have you ever started a new project or task with so much energy? It’s exciting and easy to launch out with everything is aligned and you are in a great frame of mind. As you continue, your momentum can build as you see results. Many times, however, your initial passion can die down. If you don’t get motivated at that point, it’s highly likely that you could stop working on the project or goal completely.

Motivation is powerful. It is the driving force, incentive, enthusiasm, and reason why you do what you do. If your goal is fitness, a vision of yourself being fit and feeling great can be powerful motivation. You can think of all the other benefits that you could get by achieving this goal, and that can give you even more endurance to keep hitting the gym.

We all need some motivation at some point and time. This can come from a friend, a family member, boss, teammate, coach, or even complete stranger. A kind word or extra push from someone else can get you back on track and help you remember how far you have already come and how far you can go.

There’s also great strength when you can motivate yourself. Only you truly know your goals and what achieving them could mean to you. When you take responsibility for your progress, you stop leaving it up to someone else. You find a way to keep going even when you don’t feel inspired. Motivating yourself is important. There are different ways to do this, including writing down and reflecting on your goals, having a vision board, watching a motivational video, reading a book, or even talking to someone.

Motivation can even happen in the brief moment when you read through billboards with inspiring quotes as you drive to work. You can also surround yourself with motivation by designing your work and home life and space to include everything that pushes you onto the next level.

Six Great Inspirational Quotes

One popular way to keep motivated is to collect inspirational quotes and put them somewhere you are going to see them all the time. You can write or print them out and stick them by your mirror, on your laptop, on the walls, or in your journal. You can save them on your phone and share them on social media. When you find a quote that speaks out to you, make a note of it. These little moments of inspiration and motivation can be vital for keeping you positive, focused, optimistic, and disciplined throughout the day. You can always come back to those same quotes when you need to be motivated again.

We have chosen six great inspirational quotes you can use to stay motivated. Some of these were said by famous people, while others are anonymous.

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Charles R. Swindoll said this. It’s an important reminder of the importance of having the right attitude and the power of your choices and actions. People go through different struggles in life, but how they handle or react to it is ultimately their own choice.

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” Confucius said this. When you really know what you want and get a clear picture of the big dreams and goals you have, this can push you to make the changes you need today to get you there tomorrow.

Mark Twain said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Today is day one to achieve your next goal. You don’t have to look at the time you wasted or how far you could have been by now. The greatest thing you can do for yourself is to get started. You may not know how you are going to finish and how everything is going to work out, but there is power is taking the first step. Many people fail because they never even start.

“Little things make big days.” (Anonymous) The big goals and the great days are made up of little things. If you want to succeed, don’t neglect the little moments and the little tasks. These add up to the bigger picture you are looking for. Amelia Barr said, along the same lines, “It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.”

Emily Dickinson said, “I dwell in possibility.” This is the power of perspective. If you only see limitations, you are going to be highly limited in what you can do, achieve, ask for, and believe. If, on the other hand, you see possibilities, the world opens up for you to dream bigger, experience more, and live a more optimistic life.

Jim Rohn, the famous motivational speaker, said, “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” While it’s important to have dreams and goals, you don’t have to postpone your happiness until you achieve them.

Motivating yourself is important, but it is also important to know how to motivate others. Your words can help them push forward and achieve their goals. You can help someone who is about to give up on their dreams. You can motivate others by your words and by your actions. When you are pursuing your goals with focus and determination, that can be very motivating for the people around you.