Losing a loved one is one of the saddest and hardest experiences that a person can go through. Most people get through it eventually. However, not many do so without the persistent support of those around them.

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It’s hard for you to put the right words together to say to someone who has recently lost someone. You should know that what the person needs most is for you to show that you care.

Here, you can learn:

  • What flowers are best for condolences
  • Why roses are good flowers to send
  • Why hyacinths are appreciated at funerals
  • About lilies and grief…and much more.

Sometimes the best way to do this is not through words. There’s not much you can say to a grieving person to help the situation. However, you can speak volumes with your actions.

One recommended action in this situation is for you to send flowers to person to express your condolences. In this article, you can expect to learn about five of the best flowers for these kinds of situations.


Roses are usually portrayed as flowers that are only appropriate to show romantic feelings. This is not the case as roses are way more versatile than they are given credit for. Remember that roses can be obtained in a variety of colors.

Each of these colors has an individual meaning. This is what makes them so effective. The variance in meanings allows you to combine them to state a few important and sentimental things.

The combination and the statements that come from it may be just what a grieving person needs to lighten the emotional burden.

Yellow roses are a show of friendship. It reminds the person that you are always there as a pillar of support. Peach roses show your sincerity and the fact that you are thankful that the grieving person is still alive. Pink roses are also a show of gratitude. Combine them for the perfect results.


Here is a flower that you don’t hear as much about as some of the more popular ones. Be that as it may, the hyacinth has its place in the world. A funeral context is most appropriate for this flower.

It’s meaning deals directly with what is happening and expresses the way you feel about it. Purple hyacinth flowers are the most effective in this regard. The chances are that there is a sense of sorrow and pain in your heart about the situation.

This flower is a vessel for the communication of that grief. It lets those who are grieving know that you are also affected. This is because this hyacinth is known as a show of sorrow and regret.

Sometimes the usual lines that people use to try to achieve comfort do the opposite. The hyacinth flower is a non-cliché way to achieve the desired result of comfort.


The lily is another effective flower that can be sent to someone who is grieving after loss. However, you must be careful of your timing when you choose to send the lily.

As you may know, grief is a comprehensive process. This means that there are stages associated with it. These stages must all be allowed to move at their natural pace.

The lily is usually seen as more of a progressive symbol where grief is concerned. It is a symbol of new energy, rebirth, and renewal. With meanings like those, it’s a great flower to send when someone is trying to be optimistic.

However, not many grieving people are in the frame of mind to think about the way forward initially. This means that the lily can have a negative effect at that time.

It’s best to allow people to naturally get to that phase before sending your lilies.


It’s funny how the name of this flower sounds like the word “gladiator.” What makes this impressive is the fact that the meaning is one of power. Character and strength are what the Gladiolus represents.

Sometimes, people have the inner strength to get through a situation, but they forget. Grieving is a process that can induce that forgetfulness. It’s so easy to get caught up in the sorrow, that people forget how wonderful they are.

This is where the Gladiolus flower comes into play. It doesn’t try to imply that people should forget about their loved ones. However, it is a reminder of how great they are and the strength that they possess.

It’s a nice touch to ensure that despite what they feel, perseverance is the key. This flower works great because you relay your compassion while inducing motivation. That’s the kind of energy people need as they grieve.


This one should be easy enough for anyone to understand. After all, the name gives the meaning away. A loved one may no longer be among the ranks of the living. However, this doesn’t mean that the person should be forgotten.

It is a consolation to many people to know the kind of positive impact a lost loved one had. This where the flower comes in. You can keep the memory of someone alive for as long as you live.

The forget-me-not shows that you intend on doing so. Grieving over a loved one who has passed is a process that is filled with sorrow. However, there is something pleasant about knowing that others plan to honor the memory of the one who was lost.

This is a commitment that has great sentimental value. It is also an incredible show of character on your part.


There is no right way to offer condolences to those who are grieving. It is a sensitive process, and it must be handled as such. Sending flowers is a great way to communicate your condolences. As you saw above, some of the best flowers to send and their meanings are:

  • Roses – These show friendship, support, gratitude, and solidarity.
  • Hyacinth – The purple one is a show of sorrow and regret about the situation.
  • Lily – This is a symbol of new energy and rebirth.
  • Gladiolus – This is a representation of strong character and strength.
  • Forget-me-not – This implies an intention to keep the memory of a lost loved one alive indefinitely.