Hawaii is considered around the world to be a lush tropical paradise. Famed for its blue seas and waterfalls and incredible nature, the flowers of Hawaii are an important and iconic part of the flora that people associate so strongly with the place. Hawaii is carpeted with colorful and beautiful plants, and many of them can be bought or planted, as a nice addition to your garden or household, too. It is often easy to grow tropical plants as they are hardy and enduring, and a lot of them are popular options as gifts or houseplants. This article covers:

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The Tropical Flowers of Hawaii

Hawaii is home to an incredible array of tropical flowers, which grow wild over the rugged volcanic landscape. One of the world’s most iconic flowers is the hibiscus, and it is incredibly strongly associated with Hawaii by many people. The hibiscus flower is the official flower of the state of Hawaii, and it can be seen across the islands in many different colors and varieties. They typically bloom daily, but many of them only last for the day, which means they are not necessarily the best idea for a gift as a standalone flower. However, a hibiscus plant is a beautiful addition to many a garden, and they tend not to be too difficult to take care of.

The anthurium plant is another fixture of the Hawaiian landscape, and it first came to the state in the 1880s. They are originally native to South America, and the first anthurium was planted in Hawaii by the Minister of Finance at the time. They quickly became popular with flower enthusiasts and gardeners, who cultivated them. Anthurium plants now grow all over Hawaii, and many variations have emerged since the first one came to the state. The Hawaiian gardenia is another flower common to Hawaii, and it is also native to the state. They are native to the islands, and their flowers have a pretty and simple shape. Unfortunately, the flower is actually endangered, which means they are not encountered all that often in the wild.

Blue ginger is a variation of other more commonly found flowers around Hawaii. The flower is a stunning and beautiful thing, which grows in a deep and vibrant purple. It is originally native to Brazil, but it can now be seen around the entirety of Hawaii, though it is not the most common flower to spot. As they are only one color, they are not gaudy or in poor taste to have in a garden, despite their stunning color and lovely shape. If you wish to see a blue ginger, one of the places they grow is at the tropical plantation in Maui, where one can see a variety of different rare and beautiful flowers.

Hawaiian Flowers That Make Great Gifts

The plumeria flower is also known as the frangipani, and it is one of the most iconic flowers in the world. It is strongly associated with Hawaii and the tropics, and the flower has a beautiful and delicate scent which makes it a lovely idea as a gift! The plant itself does best growing in sandy and salty soil near the sea, which means it is quite difficult to grow if you do not live in the tropics. If you do, though, the frangipani makes a fantastic gift if you give it to somebody who has the room and space to grow the plant. It is possible otherwise to grow the plant inside a house or conservatory, if the conditions are adequate for the plant.

Because its fragrance is so wonderful, it is quite easy to purchase frangipani-scented products, which also make a fantastic gift and are obviously totally low-maintenance! Frangipani skincare is especially popular, and it is a great idea as a romantic or special gift for somebody, perhaps to celebrate a birthday or a romantic occasion. Frangipani candles and soaps can also be bought, which are a great way to ensure that your home is filled with the scent of these lovely flowers of Hawaii. The frangipani flower also makes a wonderful addition to a bouquet or flower arrangement, if you would like to give one as a gift without giving the entire plant or seeds.

How to Grow Hawaiian Flowers at Home

There are many Hawaiian flowers that can easily be grown at home, and the iconic hibiscus is a great one to choose! There are several different types of hibiscus plants, and most of them do well inside during the winter regardless of the climate, which means that they are a great choice for many homes. There is also a perennial type of hibiscus, which goes back into the ground during the winter and blooms again during the warmer seasons. Hibiscuses often require a lot of water, and they sometimes need to be watered twice a day in the summer, so make sure to provide them with enough water.

Hibiscus plants do best in warmth or warm conditions. If you grow one outside of the tropics, then needs to be in a pot so it can be brought inside during the winter. During the season that it grows, it is best to feed it every few weeks or so, to help the flower to bloom. It needs full sun as much as possible, and it is best for the plant to be outside all the time after the spring when there is no more danger of frosts overnight.

Orchids are another beautiful option to grow at home. They can be easily kept inside during the winter, and they do well outside in the warmer seasons like other tropical plants. As long as they are not watered too much and get a decent amount of sunlight, they can grow very well in a variety of climates and surrounds. However, it is best that that they do not experience overly harsh sunlight.