Queen among flowers, the rose is the star of any bouquet. Whether your love is passionate or mad, the variety of colors of the rose allows you to communicate all the nuances of your feelings to your chosen one. However, picking roses as the flower to offer is not enough; you must choose the color and determine the number of flowers in your bouquet in order to send the right message to the receiver.

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Each color shows a specific feeling. However, you may mix several colors if you want to convey many messages and qualify them. Red and white roses mark, for example, a strong and sincere love. It is up to you to free your imagination to compose the ideal bouquet of roses. For this reason, we present to you rainbow roses. Like their name, one flower has petals with different colors, which make them a real piece of art.

In this article, we are going to discuss the following points:

* What Is a Rainbow Rose?
* How Do You Get a Rainbow Flower?
* How to Take Care of Your Rainbow Bouquet
* Pieces of Advice for Your Rainbow Bouquet

What Is a Rainbow Rose?

The rainbow rose is nothing other than a natural rose whose petals are dyed in a very simple process. The multicolored rose is impressive to look at and, without a doubt, its varied colors make it super interesting. Rainbow rose bouquets are made from a mixture of this type of artificially made blooms.

The most well-known color combination you may see is the one that includes the 7 colors of the rainbow, it is a famous rose that we generally find in floral arrangements. The rainbow represents magic, enchantment, and the hope of a better time. Being an artificial bloom, the rainbow rose has no special meaning in the common language of flowers, so we give it the attributes of the rainbow itself.

How Do You Get a Rainbow Flower?

The method exploits the natural process of the plant by which water is absorbed by the stem. By dividing the stem into several segments and dipping each part in food coloring, the dye travels through the different parts of the rose and hydrates the petals. Thus in a few days, the colors are directed in the petals of the flower. As the petals of the flower chosen at the start are white, you can easily see the dye.

Thus, you can create your rainbow rose at home. All you need is a long-stemmed white rose and vegetable dye. To obtain the multicolored effect, prepare three glasses of water and add many different vegetable colorings to it. Place them tightly together. Now, place each section of the already cut stems in a different glass. Within hours, the dye is going to rise to the petals of the flower, giving you a rainbow rose.

How to Take Care of Your Rainbow Bouquet

If you have a bouquet of fresh roses, you can maintain multicolored roses by cutting the stems at an angle. This increases the water absorption surface. Moreover, you should immerse the fresh flowers as soon as possible in the water. All the leaves of the stem, which are likely to soak in water, must be removed.

Such a nice bouquet should be exposed in your living room or your office, so you may put it in a vase to conserve and use it to decorate the area. To preserve the colors of the flowers longer, you should avoid keeping the bouquet next to fruits and especially bananas. Why? Because they give off ethylene, which speeds up the ripening of flowers. Moreover, the water must remain clear all the time. If it becomes cloudy, empty the vase, clean it, and change the water. You can also cut the base of the stems with every change.

Pieces of Advice for Your Rainbow Bouquet

If you want to make a real rainbow rose, you must start with a white or pale pink rose to get the purest colors. If you cannot find a white one, you can always try a peach, yellow or pink rose. For a beginner, you should avoid red or dark pink. Because a dark shade prevents the coloration from being seen on the petals after you have dyed your rose.

You can also color other flowers in addition to roses like orchids using the same method. The trick is to start with a white flower or else the rainbow coloring is less apparent. The best thing is simply to buy them at FloraQueen because we make the most beautiful rainbow roses bouquets. In cold or warm tones, the delivery of such a bouquet is surely going to brighten up your interior and delight your loved ones when they receive it.

The rainbow rose is unique in the world and was sold for the first time in Great Britain. This multicolored rose commercially called “Rainbow Rose” is an artificially colored rose. The coloring method has been known for over a millennium, but it is until recently that it became popular among florists and been used even more for decoration purposes.

The stem of the rose absorbs tinted water by colors we choose according to our preferences. When the water containing the tint travels through different parts of the rose and hydrates the petals, the tint settles in there. As the petals are white, the dye shows through easily and the flower gains a new astonishing look. Unfortunately, this flower cannot survive for a long time so we should take good care of it. A rose close to flowering or already flowered takes better color, however, it takes more time to tint a rose in the bud.