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Why this gift is special
Imagine the delight on their face when they receive this bouquet. A stunning assembly of joyful elegance packed into every delicate petal. This arrangement, bursting with radiant coral roses, speaks the language of warmth and admiration. Coral roses, known for symbolizing desire and enthusiasm, are a perfect choice for expressing your deepest emotions with a burst of vibrancy. Complemented by lush eucalyptus leaves, this bouquet is a rich tapestry of love and sentiment. Eucalyptus not only adds depth and texture but also symbolizes protection, making it an ideal companion to these passionate roses. Together, they make a bold statement that is both heartwarming and invigorating. This ensemble is beautifully presented in a simple yet stylish white vase, ensuring it stands out as a centerpiece in any room. Whether celebrating a special milestone, conveying messages of appreciation, or just sending a token of affection, this bouquet brings an unmistakable aura of positivity and joy to any occasion. The vibrant roses bring an exquisite charm to any celebration, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just because. Its captivating beauty is guaranteed to illuminate spaces, transform moods, and create lasting memories.

Rosey Rose Roses


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PremiumMake your surprise even bigger by adding more stems to your bouquet.
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Pink roses

Pink roses

Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with fresh, room-temperature water.
Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with fresh, room-temperature water.
Dissolve the flower food packet in the vase water as per instructions for nourished, vibrant blooms.
Dissolve the flower food packet in the vase water as per instructions for nourished, vibrant blooms.
Change the water every 2 days and retrim the stems for longer-lasting blooms.
Change the water every 2 days and retrim the stems for longer-lasting blooms.