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Why this gift is special
As sweet as an icecream. This bouquet of pink roses and white callas is perfect to enjoy a breath of fresh air through flowers. The composition is completed with the pink, white and green chrysanthemums, and the blue veronicas that could well be the topping of a delicate dessert.
The best thing about working with flowers is that every bouquet is unique. For this reason, to make sure yours is 100% fresh, we might change one of the flowers (without altering the final design).

Ice Cream Chrysanthemums and Roses


280 reviews
PremiumMake your surprise even bigger by adding more stems to your bouquet.
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*Depending on the delivery country the price may change.
Pink roses

Pink roses

Calla lilies

Calla lilies

Pink chrysanthemums

Pink chrysanthemums

White chrysanthemums

White chrysanthemums

Green chrysanthemums

Green chrysanthemums



Decorative greenery

Decorative greenery

Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with fresh, room-temperature water.
Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with fresh, room-temperature water.
Dissolve the flower food packet in the vase water as per instructions for nourished, vibrant blooms.
Dissolve the flower food packet in the vase water as per instructions for nourished, vibrant blooms.
Change the water every 2 days and retrim the stems for longer-lasting blooms.
Change the water every 2 days and retrim the stems for longer-lasting blooms.