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Why this gift is special

A marvellous sunrise of orange lilies and seasonal flowers is a great way to start the day and is sure to impress on delivery. This round bouquet is full of happiness and energy, with the power to brighten up any day whether it is someone's birthday or to offer your congratulations!

Radiant Sunrise Lilies and Carnations


167 reviews
PremiumMake your surprise even bigger by adding more stems to your bouquet.
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*Depending on the delivery country the price may change.
Orange lilies

Orange lilies

Orange chrysanthemums

Orange chrysanthemums

Orange germini

Orange germini

Orange carnations

Orange carnations

Decorative greenery

Decorative greenery

Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with fresh, room-temperature water.
Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with fresh, room-temperature water.
Dissolve the flower food packet in the vase water as per instructions for nourished, vibrant blooms.
Dissolve the flower food packet in the vase water as per instructions for nourished, vibrant blooms.
Change the water every 2 days and retrim the stems for longer-lasting blooms.
Change the water every 2 days and retrim the stems for longer-lasting blooms.