Why this gift is special
Enjoy this elegant display of orange and pink vibration of warmth and joyful whilst elegant mix. The balance between white and orange roses and orange color carnation make is the perfect mix for a making the best present to feature in a happy decor. The bouquet is ideal to offer on a special occasion and for a happy home to provide with warmth and joy.
Rose Blooming Roses and Carnations
81 reviews
PremiumMake your surprise even bigger by adding more stems to your bouquet.
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Orange roses
Orange mini carnations
White roses
Decorative greenery
Place the bouquet in a clean vase filled with fresh, room-temperature water.
Dissolve the flower food packet in the vase water as per instructions for nourished, vibrant blooms.
Change the water every 2 days and retrim the stems for longer-lasting blooms.