The time has come: we are about to bid farewell to the summer. The sun, the heat, the beach and the terraces will all be back next year. Until then you’re left with the memories of everything you’ve experienced over the past three months. To help keep those memories fresh, today we’ve got three floral ideas for you that have really triumphed in summer 2014.

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For girls, the flower hair garland has been the winner: at beach parties, at indie music festivals, and even in nightclubs, this was the accessory to be seen in this summer. Whether made from roses orgerberas, fresh flowers or plastic, subtle or XXL size, there are garlands for all tastes. Here is the classic—a garland of small white daisies that gives an air of innocence.

The 3 floral ideas of the summer

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It might surprise you to hear this, but this summer men have been succumbing to flower power too. Looking for unconventional ways to express themselves, hipsters have started a fashion for decorating their bushy beards with flowers. If you find the charm of a nice beard hard to resist, imagine one decorated with fragrant flowers!

The 3 floral ideas of the summer

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For people who always have food on the brain this has also been a flowery summer! Flowers have been used to decorate cocktails, to bring a dash of colour to cakes and even as a main ingredient when cooking all kinds of dishes.

The 3 floral ideas of the summer

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Has your summer also been full of flowers? In what way? Tell us about it in the comments section!