“Thank you.” It is just a simple, short message, easy to pronounce. Still, it is increasingly used less and less! However, being able to show your gratitude is vital for a more fulfilling life, both for you and for those who are close to you. Therefore, if you start learning how to say thank you again, and apply it, your life is going to be better.

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Saying “thank you” encourages us to nurture the positive feelings and to appreciate the small things by being grateful. It goes in line with the idea of being respectful, enhancing one’s positive energy potential, and enjoying simple pleasures.

The issue that is stopping many people from expressing their gratitude more often is the way of saying thank you. Several options are available nowadays to send a thank you message without being too dramatic or sentimental. It can be by sending flowers, writing a letter, sending a gift, or just saying the word aloud in the perfect occasion.

In this article, we discuss several points such as:

* What is gratitude?
* Why sending a thank you message is good for your health?
* What are the different ways to say thank you?
* What are the best thank you flowers?

What Is Gratitude?

Almost like love and joy, gratitude is a feeling that springs from the heart. In a simple way, thankfulness is the act of being happy for everything one wishes in his life. Saying thank you is learned at a young age, as an act of politeness. It is almost an everyday tool for most people.

Sadly, for many people, it has become mechanical to say thank you” for about everything. We do not show gratitude from the heart, but rather because it is the right way to do it. Thus, people say thanks just because they were told to do so at a young age and it is “socially” correct. However, the real gratefulness that comes from saying an honest “thank you” has a magical side.

Why Sending a Thank You Message Is Good for Your Health?

Your words may help you be healthier. A research study led by Prof. Paul Mills of the State University of California has linked gratefulness (one of the factors of the spiritual well-being) to heart problems. The finding was clear: people who were able to express gratitude and say thank you on a day-to-day basis were healthier. The reason behind that is that they have simply been happier, and consequently less stressed, which led to a healthier lifestyle and a healthier heart.

In combination with the heart benefits listed above, thankfulness is also beneficial to your general health. People who demonstrate gratitude and say “thank you” usually feel happier and therefore be healthier. This has an impact on general mental health, as well as fighting mental diseases such as depression and anxiety. It is a healthy circle: the happier we feel, the healthier and stronger we are.

What Are the Different Ways to Say Thank You?

Nowadays, sending a thank you message became easier. A big variety of options and ideas is available and accessible to anyone, anywhere, without having to move from your couch.

For instance, the basic one is writing a note or a letter. If a friend hosted you for a night and you want to express your gratitude, leave a small note at his place. It would mean the world to him!

Another example of a situation where you should say thank you: It is your one-year anniversary with your partner. For that, write a letter and send it alongside some flowers to express your gratitude.

Sending a gift is also an option if you want to express a thank you message. To do so, send a gift to your mom on Mother’s Day to thank her for being there for you during your whole life and raising you. Alternatively, you can send a gift to a colleague who helped you to get that promotion you wanted.

What Are the Best Thank You Flowers?

To send a thank you message, flowers are the most efficient and popular way. For that, every situation has its blooms to use.

To thank a friend, there are numerous flowers to choose from. Begonias and jonquils are the best blooms to express genuine friendship. Daisies, on the other hand, are a sign of trust and high esteem.

If someone has done a service for you and you want to thank him, you can show your appreciation by selecting bellflowers as a sign of gratitude. Peonies are a very good choice: they mean the desire to give something back after a happy event.

If you would like to say thank you to your wedding guests, you can choose white flowers, as they are a symbol of pure love. The white roses, lilies, or anemones are your go-to options. Do not hesitate to pick your bouquet of yellow blooms, like tulips, which represent a sunny joy and happiness.

Thankfulness is a mindset that can be applied at any moment of life; it is a philosophy for a better life. When you become used to feel grateful, then, you connect yourself to the best feeling in the whole universe: Happiness.

To thank someone or to be thankful for a new experience and other things greatly contributes to your overall well-being and equilibrium. That feeling is one of the more powerful and mood-booster that can help you in achieving your goals. Receiving gratitude is just as pleasurable as being grateful. This process creates a great circle of life and makes you do better things for your community.

Saying “Thank you” encourages you to concentrate on the things we have as opposed to the things we are missing. It is more than a feeling; it is a human value that allows you to turn away our attention from ourselves. Being less selfish helps you to focus on others and heal your relationships.