Lilies are glamorous flowers with great historical significance that maintain a prominent place in cultures all over the world, having been used as symbols in endless works of literature. As one of the most iconic flowers in the world, lilies are always a great idea when considering what to plant next in your garden.

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If you are currently in this process of choosing flowers, or simply want to learn more about lilies, then read on to gain heaps of knowledge about this flower.

A Brief Overview of Lilies

Lilies are unique flowers that grow during the summer whose petals extend from the centre with lots of colour and lots of cheer. There are many different types of lilies, each with their own colours, some of the most popular being Asiatic, Trumpet, and Oriental lilies. Because of these different variations, lilies bloom at different times over the season. So, if you are hoping to have lilies in bloom at a specific time in the summer, then it is important to pay attention to which kind of lily you purchase.

Although lilies are naturally beautiful flowers, they can cause serious harm to pets. When considering this flower, be sure to check that pets, especially cats, cannot come into contact with this plant. But if this is not a concern for you, lilies often attract butterflies, creating a charming summertime atmosphere.

The Symbolism of Lilies

Lilies carry different symbols, like many other flowers. In general, they represent devotion and purity. While these are its main meanings, the lily’s symbolism varies by culture. For example, because of Greek mythology, lilies have come to symbolise motherhood and rebirth. Meanwhile, Christians believe that the lily is connected to the Virgin Mary. In Chinese culture, lilies bring good luck and are used at weddings, because they are said to bring 100 years of love.

As well as varying by culture, the symbolism of lilies also varies by colour. White lilies mean purity, while red lilies represent passion. Pink lilies indicate prosperity and orange lilies signify confidence and wealth. All in all, there is a wide range of colours to choose from, but they will all look great in your garden. And, with their different symbolisms, you can pick the right lilies for almost any occasion.

The Lily’s Historical Significance

There are many species of lilies all over the world. This is because the flower originates from all over: specifically, from areas of Europe, Asia, and North America. Throughout history, they have been cherished and admired in many cultures. Their beauty and fragrance have caught the attention of many across generations.

One of the oldest stories that mentions lilies is from Greek mythology, and recounts that the flower formed from the goddess Hera after the birth of Hercules. The lily is also mentioned in the Christian Bible, as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. It is also said that, after Jesus died, blood dripped from his body and lilies grew from the ground where the drops had fallen. Because of this, and a few other stories from the Old and New Testaments, lilies are associated with death and the martyrdom of saints.

Many species of lily were popularised in Western culture during the middle to late 19th century. During this period, European plant explorers travelled in search of exotic flowers. They found many species in China and, ultimately, their findings led to extensive hybridisation. After lily hybridisation became more popular, lilies were commonly found in nature and in society.

In the past, lilies were used for medicinal purposes, often to treat fevers. Although there is no evidence that the plant is medically effective, they still can cure a gloomy day with their bright and cheerful petals. Today, lilies are still one of the most popular flowers in the world and are adored for their timeless beauty.

When and Where to Plant Lilies

You can plant them in the springtime, but it is better to get a head start and plant them in the autumn. This way, they can establish strong roots that will last through the summer. However, in areas with harsh winters, it is best to plant them in the spring.

When searching for a good place to plant them, you should find an area that gets plenty of sun with soil that drains easily. This is so that the water can evaporate, after providing essential nutrients, and avoid causing root damage. If you are unsure about the soil, you can also plant them in raised flower beds. Adding organic materials to the soil is also recommended, so that the lilies stay healthy.

Taking Care of Lilies

In order to grow healthy lilies, make sure they get plenty of sunlight. This is important for their growth, since they are a summertime flower. As for watering, just make sure that the soil stays moist. It is best to keep the plant not too dry and not too wet.

Mulch is also recommended for keeping lilies happy and healthy. The mulch will insulate the roots, so that the sunlight does not cause any damage. They say that lilies should be hot on the outside and cool on the inside.

Overall, these perennial flowers look great in any garden space. They do not require too much attention and will grow year after year. So, there is no need to worry about planting them more than once unless you want to plant even more for next summer. Lilies look great naturally in the garden and they also look beautiful in bouquets. Cutting your lilies is perfectly fine for floral arrangements. Just make sure that you do not cut off the whole stem, so that the flower can reappear next summer.

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