Jamaica flowers, also known as hibiscus or Roselle, are a type of tropical flowering plant native to Africa, but widely cultivated in the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia. The plant is often grown for its ornamental beauty, but it is also cultivated for its edible calyces, which are used to make a popular beverage called hibiscus tea. The tea is known for its tart, fruity flavor and is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and minerals. The flowers are harvested when they are fully mature, and the calyces are removed and dried to preserve their flavor and nutrition. Jamaica flowers are easy to grow and prefer full sun and well-draining soil, and they can be harvested multiple times during the growing season. In addition to their culinary uses, Jamaica flowers are also used in traditional medicine and are believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive properties.

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Jamaica flowers, the national flower of Jamaica, or flor of Jamaica, as these plants are called in Spanish, in some countries from South America or the Caribbean, are the same plants that are known as hibiscus.

The magenta or rose drink, which is obtained from this plant by infusing raw calyx, aqua de flor de Jamaica or rosa de Jamaica, is very common in Mexico, Central America, the United States or some countries from South America. Also, it is well known in Europe, North, West and Central Africa or in South and West Asia. Do you want to learn more about this amazing flower? Keep reading to learn:

* The cultural importance of hibiscus or Jamaica flower

* What is the Jamaica flower?

* How to grow and to care for Jamaica flower

* Uses of Jamaica flower

The Cultural Importance of Hibiscus or Jamaica Flower

All over the world, there are many customs and traditions related to the hibiscus flower and the preparation of the red drink from the Jamaica flower calyx. In Panama, natives make hibiscus tea by adding to the boiling nectar chopped ginger, clove, nutmeg, or cinnamon. It is a traditional drink around Christmas or Chinese New Year.

In American culture, hibiscus tea is a popular beverage served at African-American social events, the beverage being associated with West Africa.

In some North African countries, hibiscus tea, known as Karkade, is served at wedding parties, either hot or ice-cold. In Africa, especially in the Sahel, hibiscus dried flowers can be found in any market and the hibiscus tea is sold on the street. In Senegal, hibiscus tea is known as “national drink.”

In Thailand, hibiscus tea is consumed as a cold drink, strongly sweetened.

Many varieties of hibiscus are the national flower in countries as South Korea, Haiti, and Malaysia.

In some Hindu rituals, people offer red hibiscus to the goddess Kali, as a symbol of divine energy.

In Europe, Jamaica flower is often part of herbal blends, used in the preparation of herbal teas.

What Is the Jamaica Flower?

Jamaica flowers are said to have origins in Africa and India. It is part of the many species of grasses, shrubs, and trees of the Malvaceae family, plants that come from tropical and temperate regions.

These plants arrived in colonial times in Mexico and are not missing from Mexican cuisine. Agua de Jamaica is a refreshing drink, very aromatic and that goes very well with Mexican food.

Hibiscus flowers are amazing, trumpet-shaped and they have many colors.

There are over 300 species of hibiscus. For example, the Chinese rose or Chinese hibiscus is a more well-known species. This plant has lobed leaves that can be smooth or covered by trichomes. The flowers are single or in the form of clusters and for many species, the flowers last only one day. The flowers are large, bell-shaped and the strains grow very high reaching heights of 15 feet.

How to Grow and Care for Jamaica Flower

If you want a tropical flower in the house, hibiscus is the best choice, because is relatively easy to grow and care for. It is good to grow it in large containers that can be moved very easily in ideal locations for the plant, depending on the time of year. The plant needs at least six hours of sunlight per day regardless of the season.

The hibiscus plant should have a high temperature between 60- and 90-degrees Fahrenheit. During summer, the Jamaica flower may be kept outside but, starting with lower temperatures, it should be moved inside.

In the hot period, when the hibiscus blooms, the flower requires a large amount of water. The plant should be watered daily. The quantity of water should be reduced with the cooling of the weather when the plant should be watered only when the soil is dry to the touch.

When the plant is growing, you should give fertilizer to the plant, which, in the summer has to be a potassium-rich fertilizer. You can use a liquid fertilizer, with a slow-release, for one week once a month or add a high potassium fertilizer to the soil.

Jamaica flowers from various species can grow in different types of climate. For example, the rose mallow, which is originally from North America, blooms in midsummer and loves the sun and the humidified soil.

Hardy hibiscus feels great in a sunny environment and away from the wind but it does not love very humid soils and heat. The Sharon hibiscus is originally from China and it can develop well in partial shade and in urban conditions if the soil is sufficiently humid.

Most types of hibiscus plants can live throughout the year if you have proper care for them. They bloom only in the spring and summer seasons. In winter, they should be kept near a sunny window. During the winter, the heat in the house can cause a dry atmosphere, so, your plant needs more water to survive.

Uses of Jamaica Flower

Hibiscus has a long history in the treatment of diseases. The most commonly used species in medicine is hibiscus sabdariffa known as Roselle. In Egypt, the plant was popular and brewed as a tea and used to treat liver and heart diseases and to reduce high body temperature. It was also used as a diuretic.

Nowadays, hibiscus is popular for cancer treatment, for lowering blood pressure, for bacterial infections, or for lowering fever. Also, the hibiscus extract has a positive effect on metabolism, preventing obesity and fatty liver.

Hibiscus tea and extract can be purchased from pharmacies or natural food stores. For a teacup of hibiscus, you need about 10 grams of the dried calyx. Hibiscus tea should be used with caution by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Overall, Jamaica flowers are known throughout the world also for their large, colorful flowers, which give any garden an exotic appearance. They are also a popular remedy in many diseases, and the hibiscus is also used as a medical treatment for various conditions.