Perennials plants are a staple for any garden. They add visual interest, flower power, and color to any yard. Whether you are a beginner in the gardening game or a seasoned expert, including perennials in your garden is an excellent design choice.
Perennials are plants that grow from the root every spring and die back every fall. Dying back does not mean the plant itself is dead. It means that the foliage cannot survive the winter. The foliage, however, grows back the next spring. Many perennials have long life spans because they continue to grow and produce offspring. As the plant spreads, the initial growth can properly die out, but the newest growth lives on. This is what perennials such a great addition to a garden. Buy a plant once, and it can live on in your garden for decades.
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When choosing plants for your yard, it is important to consider the time of year the plant flowers. It is your goal to have new flowers and colors continually popping up in the garden. How boring it would be to only have flowers in the spring and then only green leaves all year! Here are a few suggestions of great perennials for any yard-based flowering season.
Spring Flowering
One of the best things after the long, cold winter is the sight of new life and color in the garden. Planting some of these in your garden is sure to kick off the growing season with a colorful bang.
Moss Phlox
Available with white, pink, purple flowers, this low growing plant is a welcome sight in the spring. As the name suggests, this Phlox spreads outwards to cover the ground, much like moss. Try planting at the edge of retaining walls or decorative rocks.
Bleeding Heart
Though the name may sound depressing, these plants produce charming flowers. Usually bright pink and white, the flowers line the long stems of each branch. This is a great spring plant, but it may need to be cut back during the summer when the foliage turns yellow and becomes unattractive.
Solomon’s Seal
An excellent plant for those shady areas! Solomon’s Seal usually grows 2-3′ tall, but some varieties can grow up to 5′ tall. In the spring, the arching stems are lined with hanging white flowers. For the rest of the season, Solomon’s Seal still adds impact because of its unique shape. Be aware though, this plant spreads a lot and is going to need to be thinned out to keep it in check.
Summer Flowering
Finally, summer! The time of year most people look forward to the most. Summer brings warm temperatures and bright, colorful flowers. Summer is when most gardens are at their peak. It is a great time to really enjoy the fruits of your gardening labor.
Hardy Hibiscus
Most people think tropical when they hear hibiscus. While a pure hibiscus may not live in colder climates, a Hardy Hibiscus can. Flowering late in the summer, you can enjoy the spectacle of huge red, pink, or white flowers. Be warned – this plant may look dead in the spring because it takes a long time to produce new growth.
Shasta Daisy
A classic addition to any garden! Shastas grow in large clumps up to about 3′ tall. The white flowers with yellow centers can create a backdrop with an impact. The neutral color makes it easy to craft drama in a garden. The White Flowers make the colors of neighboring plants really pop. As if this plant couldn’t get any better, daisies also make for great cut flowers!
Perennial Geranium
As known as Big Root Geraniums, Perennial Geraniums make for an impactful border plant. These grow to only about 1′ tall but spread sideways to fill out the front space of the garden. Usually, the flowers are purple or pink with hints of white. Geraniums are shade tolerant, which only adds to their appeal. Some people do find the smell unattractive, but their beauty tends to outweigh any negatives.
Fall Flowering
Wrapping up the growing season, fall flowering plants are a little harder to find. Most of the color in the landscape comes from trees with color-changing leaves. Compliment the reds and oranges with some fall flowering plants. While some perennials need to be cut back early, these plants flower well into October to add beauty to your garden.
Most sedums produce flowers in different shades of pink. Depending on the variety, some plants have flowers that can be lighter or darker than others. Growing only 2’ tall, these staple plants make a great impact in the fall. If you are looking for something a little different, sedums are also available with green and white variegated foliage. Hint – the flowers really pop in color after the first frost.
Japanese Anemones
Reaching up to 4′ tall, Japanese anemones are easy growers. The pink, white, or purple-ish flowers are complimented by the plants’ vast, dark green leaves. The flowers grow well above the leaves and are great for attracting honey bees. Anemones have tough roots, so it can be invasive if not kept in check.
Black-Eyed Susans
Another classic plant for any garden. Black-Eyed Susans, or Rudbeckia, sport yellow-orange flowers and grow about 2-3’ tall. These are great for drier areas because of their drought-resistance qualities. Planting next to sedums creates drama through contrasting colors.
Things to Keep in Mind
Perennials are a great addition to any garden. Their many colors and textures help to improve curb appeal and create your outdoor oasis. While perennials are visually pleasing, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, most perennials need to be cut back at the end of the season. This can be a lot of work, so plan your time wisely. Secondly, some varieties of perennials are invasive. Do your research. Finally, perennials can be moved throughout the garden. If you don’t like where it is, or it doesn’t seem to be doing well, move it. Remember, perennials may be a labor of love, but the rewards of worth it.