If you think green flowers would go unnoticed in green foliage, then you are mistaken. The various shapes and structures of the green buds are eye-catching. In a garden, they create a gorgeous addition from flower beds to colorful blooms.

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Perennials sometimes need to be showcased so that you don’t ignore them. Therefore, you can plant them in pots or landscaping. They are lovely in bouquets and floral arrangements, too. The green flowering perennials are attractive. They prove that this coloring is not only for foliage but also in bloom, and using them is a good idea if you want to bring warmth and happiness to the garden!

The number of green flowering bulbs is higher than you might think, but often these flowers are quite difficult to find.

Today, in this article, we are going to discover the most beautiful green flowers to plant in your home’s garden.

* The green rose: Rosa chinensis viridiflora

* Green Hydrangea: Hydrangea macrophylla

* Hypericum Berries

* Hellebores

* Green Cymbidium Orchid

* Dianthus

* Symbolism

The Green Rose: Rosa Chinensis Viridiflora

Rosa chinensis viridiflora is a strange rose from China. Indeed, the traditional petals are replaced here by green bracts veined with red or pink, and with pointed and scratched tips; this forms pretty pompoms grouped in bouquets. Full and double, these strange flowers give a discreet charm to the shrub and bring a sweet scent.

The green rose blooms from May to the first frost. The shrub is medium to small in size: between 60 and 120 cm high and 60 to 90 cm wide. It grows relatively fast and can be subject to diseases. Nevertheless, compared to other old roses, the green rose is rustic (thrives between -10 degrees C and -15 degrees C)

The green rose is not very demanding. It grows easily on all types of drained soils and tolerates calcareous clay very well. It also resists drought. The flower likes sunny or light shade.

Green Hydrangea: Hydrangea Macrophylla

Hydrangea macrophylla, called Magical Jade, is a compact shrub suitable for small gardens or as a pot plant. From July to November, these little flowers form white-green pompoms. This hydrangea changes color over the seasons. Additionally, its lovely tufts turn pinkish-white with a red border on the flowers. These flowers can make beautiful bouquets.

Flowering is accompanied by dark green foliage. It can reach a height of 1.5 m with a spacing of 75 cm. Hydrangeas are well known to brighten the north side of houses. You can grow them in beds as well as in hedges.

Plant the hydrangea macrophylla in spring or early autumn, preferably in a lightly shaded position, for example, against a wall facing east or even north. Remember to keep it away from cold and drying winds. It appreciates deep, fresh, but well-drained, reasonably fertile soil, possibly enriched with a good bottom fertilizer before planting.

Hypericum Berries

Hypericum, also known as St. John’s Wort, is hardy, easy-to-grow, and flowering perennials of the family Hyperaceae. It is a genus composed of about 400 species found all over the world, except in deserts and northern regions. The foliage is often evergreen for at least a good part of the year. The flowers are always yellow, from lemon to green, with a central tuft of protruding stamens.

St. John’s wort is undemanding, fast-growing, not afraid of the cold, and often grows well in dry soil. The flowers renew themselves all season without watering or special care, and pruning is ineffective. The flower grows without maintenance, all alone. On the other hand, it can be grown in a pot, on the terrace or balcony. Indeed, St. John’s wort deserves a place in any garden. They have remarkable medicinal properties, too.


Helleborus is a perennial plant that stands out by offering, in the middle of winter, a colorful flowering. The earliest flowers start in November, and the later ones end in April. The Corsican Helleborus is best-known with yellow-green flowers and beautiful toothed foliage. It resists to the sun and drought.

Mysterious, Hellebore is an exotic plant in more ways. It surprises us by its green or black flowers, which is rather rare in plants! Naturally adapted to winter, it is a very hardy perennial, often down to -15 degrees C. It requires rich, fresh, but well-drained soil. And it thrives in semi-shade conditions. Installed at the foot of deciduous trees or shrubs, it can add a little color and almost make us forget winter! The flower is decorative both by its petals and its evergreen foliage. Once planted, you can enjoy their flowering for many years to come!

Green Cymbidium Orchid

Everyone knows Cymbidium flowers. They are the best floral arrangements that you can find in supermarkets all over the world. You appreciate these orchids for their impressive flower stems, covered with spectacular and often fragrant petals. They are widely used for cut flowers and are also very frequently found in impressive pots in garden centers during the winter season.

In the middle of winter, the shoots sprouting from the pseudobulbs turn into long floral stems between summer and autumn. Cymbidiums are native to the mountains of Asia. To flower, they need a marked thermal alternation between day and night. This orchid resists bright light (but not the burns of direct sunlight!). Place where the temperature varies during the day.

Remember to water to keep the soil slightly moist. Use hard tap water and place the pot on damp clay balls. Fertilize every month with special orchid fertilizer.


Carnation (Dianthus) is a genus of herbaceous plants with a multitude of perennial, annual, or biennial species and thousands of cultivars. They are available a wide variety of shapes and colors that are ideally perfect for the garden or balcony decoration.

The leaves of carnations are always persistent, linear to lanceolate, generally pointed, and frequently grey-blue or grey-green. They measure from 1 to 5cm for the dwarf forms and from 5 to 12cm for the others.

You can plant carnations in pots, flower beds, rock gardens, or low walls, and they are ideal for borders. They appreciate full sunlight and well-drained soil.

In the language of flowers, the carnation symbolizes loyalty to your loved one. Additionally, you should only water in cases of severe drought. Remove wilted flowers to allow new ones to appear. Carnations are highly resistant to disease: rust can eventually develop on stems and leaves.


Green flowers are the ideal gift to offer for people who could use the light of faith in their lives. Green flowers symbolize hope, joy, and optimism. These flowers are ideal for offering on many occasions. You can send them to wish someone new beginnings or new relationships. Additionally, these bulbs are perfect at work or for starting professional projects, for expressing strength and balance. When you offer a green flower, you wish a promising and encouraging start to your loved ones.

Green flowers offer a variety of choices, and their subtle floral associations make them perfect bouquets for many occasions. In recent years, florists have been making extensive use of green flowers, and the selections are countless. Flowers with green shades act as a sign of brilliant petals. Three brightly colored flowers in a large green bouquet are more impressive than even three flowers on their own.