It is not always be easy to generate a sympathy message. Sometimes you can feel helpless and unsure as to what to do to provide comfort and assurance. To help for those looking for words of wisdom during a difficult time, we share insights on finding the perfect message to demonstrate your sympathy. The last thing we want to do is have our words misconstrued, or not convey our genuine sympathy and compassion. You want to have your words convey the fact you are and that you are there for them.

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Finding the Perfect Sympathy Message

When it comes to what to write in a sympathy card, we share some examples that can alleviate the stress that sometimes comes with writing a sympathy card.

We are going to discuss:

  • Sympathy messages
  • How to end a sympathy card
  • Sending a sympathy card

Sympathy Messages

Sometimes things happen that canÕt be explained and we find ourselves having to write a sympathy card to someone who has lost a spouse, parent, or child.

To help with what to write as a sympathy message, we share tips on what to write in a sympathy card based on the person.

Loss of a Parent

The loss of a parent can be hard to cope with Ð especially a loss that came all of a sudden. From the shock of the news to what to do next, it can be overwhelming. One way of giving someone support after the loss of a parent is through a sympathy card. In a sympathy card you can share a memory, or a life lesson that the parent passed on to you, or even a personal story. These can be written in a simple sympathy card.

Other things that one can include in a sympathy message are:

  • Thinking of you during this difficult time.Ê
  • They have raised amazing children who have become amazing adults.
  • We are praying for you and your family during this time of loss.Ê
  • Your mom/dad left a legacy that the would be proud of, donÕt ever forget that.
  • No matter how much time has passed, know that their memories live on through their actions and memories.
  • I know that your parents are proud of the adult you have become Ð you are going to keep their spirit alive.

Loss of a Spouse

One of the hardest losses one can experience is that of a spouse. The last thing to cross our mind is having to bury the person we are meant to spend the rest of our life with much earlier than expected. Whether it be due to an illness or because of something unexpected, the loss of a spouse is and can be difficult to cope with. For the person who has experienced the loss, it can be a confusing, painful, and difficult time, which is why having the support of friends and family is essential.

Some suggestions for messages to include in a sympathy message for someone who has lost a spouse include:

  • Nothing can take away the pain you are feeling, but know that we love you and are here for you no matter what.
  • I may not know what you are going through during this difficult time Ð but I know (insert spouse name) would want you to continue on and to carry their legacy through living.
  • We are here for you, and want you to know that nothing is going to ever replace their place in your heart. Use that to carry you on and to be your strength to live.

How to End a Sympathy Message

Once you have found and written a sympathy message, it can be hard knowing how to sign it off. What can you say to someone who has experienced a loss? How do you wrap up a card that is meant to show support?

Here are some examples of ways one can end a sympathy message:

  • With great sympathy
  • Our sincerest condolences
  • Forever in our thoughts and prayers

If you donÕt want to overdo your message too much, you can simply write, Òwith loveÓ and put your name. Just with writing a sympathy message and finding the perfect words, donÕt feel stressed or overwhelmed when signing your card.

Sending a Sympathy Message

Looking to add a bit more to your message? A few additional things you could do when sending a card include:

Writing a sympathy message is not an easy thing to do, especially if you have never experienced a personal loss. One thing to remember when preparing a sympathy message is who your recipient is. Is it for someone who has lost a spouse, mother, friend, or a child? Once you have determined you who it is you are sending a sympathy card to, it can help better prepare you but also help with what to write in the card.

What you write in a sympathy card for family is going to be significantly different from what you would write as a sympathy message to a friend or acquaintance. When it comes to writing a sympathy message, consider your relationship with the person is superficial. The last thing you want to do is be overly sentimental when your relationship does not represent that closeness. Another thing to keep in mind and to avoid when writing a sympathy message are jokes. They may not be received positively, but also, it may not be the time and place for such light heartedness humor.