If you like beautiful bouquets, you’d be amazed to see where it all begins. Vast fields of gorgeous, fresh flowers waving and dipping in the wind as far as the eye can see. A bouquet is nice, but the source is truly a sight to behold.

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Recently, Pauline, Doro and Alon from the FloraQueen team took a trip to visit our flower suppliers in Rijnsburg in the Netherlands. We wanted to have a look at the flowers up close, see how they’re grown, and also examine flowers that might wind up in newly-designed bouquets. Our hosts were wonderful, and we learned a lot about how flowers get from the field to the table.

We also took pictures so that you can share in the trip, too!

You can find them by clicking here.

Come along with us, and you’ll see the fields, the auction house (surprisingly very modern for such a simple thing as flowers), the transport depots, and even a local florist preparing a bouquet. It might seem like magic, the way you can click to order a bouquet and have it arrive almost anywhere in the world, but if you come with us on our virtual trip, you’ll see all the people and places that come together to make it happen.

Okay, there’s a little bit of magic involved. We confess. But the rest is a great network of people that work together to share the beauty and delight of flowers with recipients around the world.


-The FloraQueen Team