Crassula ovata, commonly known as the “money flower” or, is a succulent plant with evergreen leaves. The money flower belongs to the crassulaceae family and is originally native to Asia, Madagascar, and South Africa. This beautiful indoor plant offers stunning evergreen foliage, which adds a bit of décor to any trendy atmosphere. Resistant and undemanding, it is an ideal indoor plant for beginners.

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In this article, we are going to learn more about the origin of the money flower in addition to the following:

  • Description and characteristics
  • Planting the money flower
  • Cultivation and care
  • Multiplication
  • Symbolism
  • Diseases and pests
  • The beautiful mystery of the money flower

Description and Characteristics

Native to South Africa, crassula ovata is a succulent shrub of the crassulaceae family, comprising of more than 300 species. Its exceptional longevity distinguishes the flower. From generation to generation, the trunk of this cactus grows, and the plant can reach up to 3 m.

The crassula ovata is a natural tree to grow in pots. It likes mild temperatures, requires very little water, but needs shelter from draughts.

This ornamental plant can flourish both indoors and outdoors. Some species offer white flowers, but others red or pink flowers. In other words, it’s hard not to find your happiness with crassula. Most rustic species can withstand negative temperatures (down to -13 ° C). However, some do not tolerate temperatures below -4 ° C.

Among the best-known varieties, we have crassula perfoliata, portulacea, sarcocaulis. The diversity of species makes crassula a prevalent plant for succulent collectors.

Planting the Money Flower

Planting money flowers can be done throughout the year. Spring is the most favorable period.

Choose a pot, which should be able to accommodate an adult plant. Then, place your plant in a mixture of potting soil and sand. At the bottom of your pot, place clay balls to promote proper drainage. You should be able to install your plant in a bright place but not in direct sunlight. A little heat and little humidity can foster its development.

For planting in the open ground, choose a sheltered, sunny, or semi-shaded location, and a place that has rocky soil.

You should regularly remove all dead leaves and stems. Then, you should be able to clean the dead, fallen leaves of the plants every month.

Cultivation and Care

Indoors, the crassula should be watered moderately, from time to time, in spring and autumn and more often in summer.  Take care to never allow stagnant water to pool around the plant. In the winter, monthly watering is sufficient.

It is possible to take the plants out in the summer, but you must take care that they don’t get too much water from rain.

Repotting may be necessary every two years if the plant takes up too much room in its original pot. Outdoors, apart from adding fertilizer every month and moderate watering in the spring and throughout the summer, the crassula requires little maintenance.


The crassula takes to cutting quickly; it is the best way to multiply it.

In spring or summer, cut a stem with a few leaves but not too much, above a shoot. Then, soak it in water and let it dry. When a healing band appears, plant in a substrate composed of potting soil and sand and then covers with gravel.

Moisten from time to time and place everything in an area that is room temperature and has a light source.


The money flower is incredible. They give us better air quality in our homes, protect from dust, and even radiation. Also, they can bring positive energy to your home.

Crassula ovata is one of the most popular plants that can bring good luck, beautiful friendships, and prosperity. This plant is commonly known as the friendship tree, the lucky tree, or the money tree. You’ll love this plant, not only because it is beautiful, but also it is very hard-wearing and easy to maintain.

This flower has become a trendy indoor plant around the world. In addition, the jade-green leaves are oval and look like coins. The plant can produce small clusters of white or Pink Flowers that look like stars in late winter. Its leaves remain thick, shiny, and smooth and store water.

If you want to congratulate someone on a new wedding, a money flower is the perfect housewarming gift for prosperity and wealth.

Diseases and Pests

Crassulas are hardy plants. However, too much water could cause the roots to rot, and a lack of water could soften the leaves.

Very rarely, you may notice the presence of aphids or red spiders on your crassulas. Simply spray them with a mixture of soap and water at the start of the attack, which should be enough to remove these pests.

Mealybugs and mites can appear, too, especially when there is excess water. Adjust your watering, remove standing water, and remove parasites with a cotton swab soaked in methylated spirits or black soap.

At the end of winter, the plant may be the victim of a cryptogamic disease causing the leaves to dry out. Relatively mild, you should be able to stop this attack by fungicide treatment.

The Beautiful Mystery of the Flower

According to Feng Shui experts, the money flower releases good energy. Feng Shi is a Chinese-inspired art of living, which seeks to find harmony between man and his environment. This plant positively affects all areas of life, especially business.

The Crassula (Crassula ovata), also known as the jade tree or money flower, is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to whoever owns it. Native to South Africa, this Crassulacea grows in its natural environment on rocky and arid terrain. It is also a remarkable plant that adapts to the lack of water, behaving a bit like a camel. The tissue of its leaves is soaked with water at the slightest rain, then allows it to live on its reserves for several weeks. A beautiful indoor plant, the money flower is like a small indoor tree.