Everyone loves fresh roses in the home and all year round they are the absolute favourite flower to send to those we love all around the world. However, there is one thing that is often forgotten when people order roses and have them delivered and that is to trim the guard petals when they arrive.

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Red rose and letter

What are guard petals?

The guard petals are the thick and robust outer petals that grow on fresh cut roses. They help protect the integrity of the rosebud as it opens and blooms, protecting the delicate inner petals from harm as the flower grows.

Why don’t florists remove them?

When delivering bouquets of roses it’s the professional standard to leave the guard petals on the rose. This is done mainly to protect them as they are shipped and to ensure that the heads of your roses don’t incur any accidental damage during their journey.

Red roses and red and white background

Why should we remove them when they arrive?

Once your roses have arrived and been placed in the vase the guard petal’s job is done. Cut flowers need quite a lot of energy to keep their blooms their freshest for the longest time and they don’t discriminate how they spread that energy. Leaving them on takes energy away from the other petals which are fresher and more attractive. Therefore it’s a better idea to just remove the guard petals completely to allow your roses to spend their energy on the prettier more refined inner petals, which should open up a little more over the course of their vase-life. Your rose bouquet should also look instantly better as a result of removing them.

How should I remove the guard petals?

Be very careful not to disturb the more sensitive inner petals when removing the guard petals. Hold your rose by the stem and then you should grasp the petals you want remove carefully but firmly between your thumb and your forefinger and then pull them off with an upward and outward motion. They should come free quite easily so you shouldn’t need to pull too hard on them.

How much longer can this help my roses last in the vase?

Roses that have been given proper care and attention during their vase-life should last noticeably longer than if you simply place them in a vase filled with water without the right treatment. Cut roses normally last about a week in the vase and removing the guard petals can help maximise the freshness and shape of your bouquet so that they look amazing throughout that time.

Additional tips for caring for roses in the vase:

red roses

  • Trim away any leaves that fall below the waterline of your vase as this can cause bacteria to spread that will wilt your flowers.
  • Change the water every couple of days. Never let it go cloudy!
  • Cut the stems at a 45º angle to help them absorb water quickly.
  • NEVER put your cut roses in direct sunlight or they’ll wilt.

Everyone loves fresh roses in their home and there’s no doubting that they are a great gift that can be enjoyed and appreciated all year round. By remembering this one tip and removing the guard leaves from your rose blooms should allow you to enjoy your bouquet for much longer.

FloraQueen’s range of rose bouquets can be sent around the world to over 100 countries. We work hard to ensure that smiles can be sent to your friends and family wherever and whenever they might be celebrating, making it easier for you to share your loving wishes from far away. Order roses today and share your affections anywhere.