Those with a penchant for decorating their home and filling it with the fragrance and cheerfulness of flowers, will no doubt adore the elegance and style emanated by flowers. Nevertheless, plant care is vital and you should be well-versed on keeping plants fresh and in tip-top shape.

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When a friend or someone dear to you gives you the gift of a houseplant, the fear of the plant withering and eventually fading away often creeps up on you.

piante bagno

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That’s why FloraQueen wants to lend a hand and enlighten you with a few plant care tips or, in other words, some mistakes you should do your best to avoid:

–         Don’t change the plant’s location very often, unless you need to move it temporarily for cleaning purposes. Above all, you have to put the plant’s health first; aesthetics come second.

–         Don’t create a habitat for the plant that is devoid of natural light. Light is crucial for its growth, though it should not have direct exposure.

–         Don’t subject the plant to temperatures below 15oC, since almost all plants need moderate temperatures.

–         Don’t forget to water the plant, especially if the soil is dry to the touch and the leaves start to turn yellow.

Any other plant care tricks up your sleeve? Let us in on your secrets in the comments section below!

And if you fancy surprising one of your friends, give them the gift of one of our plants and fill them in on what you’ve learned!