Are you tired of sharing the small space at the greeting card section in your local department store with all the last minute greeting card seeking strangers?

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Do you feel like I do, when trying to select a card thinking: too boring, too cheesy, too red, too old fashioned or simply “this is just not me”?!

Well, here´s some advice: Just do it yourself!

The tools to get into the romantic crafting are simple:

: Romantic music

: Bottle of wine; D

: Red decorative paper (DIN A4)

: A King or Queen of hearts out of your old deck of cards

: A pair of scissors

: Stick of glue

: Pencil

Step 1)

Place the paper lying “landscape” on the table and fold it in the middle. If you think the card is too big you can always trim it to your desired size.

Show your creative side and say I love you!

Step 1

Step 2)

Place the King or Queen on the cover of the first page of your card and glue it to the paper, face up ;D

Show your creative side and say I love you!

Step 2

Step 3)

Write an opening sentence like:

To my queen of hearts   /    To my king of hearts…

To the queen of my heart   /    To the king of my heart…..

Show your creative side and say I love you!

Step 3

Step 4)

Continue writing your personal love message on the inside of the card. I am sure you don’t need any suggestions for that!


You can create a card including both the kind and queen on the front and write something like “ Together we rule the world”

Show your creative side and say I love you!

Step 4

Have Fun!