Spring Fresh: flowers, feelings and other things…..

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Martians aren’t the only creatures who come from Mars; men come from Mars, too.  At least that’s what we learn about the red planet from John Gray and his book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”.

Mars was the god of war in ancient Rome and he was the inspiration for the name on this interesting month March.

March stands for activity and zest and action. After the long, dark winter months, March brings the light back in our life and daily routine. Slowly the days are getting longer and everything seems more fun; trees are blooming, birds are twittering, winter planted flower seeds are blossoming and we are working in our gardens again, filling in our window flower pots, decorating our homes, bringing in the smell of spring with fresh cut flowers.

We are spending most of our free time outside, and new happy couples are demonstrating their new found luck and love in public. We realize the spring fever has hit us!

But while some of us are hit with the spring fever others fight against spring fatigue!

Apparently hormone balance may play a role. Our body has reserves of “happiness hormone” whose production depends on daylight. These hormones are depleted over the winter and when the days become longer in springtime, the body readjusts its hormone levels. This changeover puts a heavy strain on the body, which responds with a feeling of tiredness.

Our tips against spring tiredness and the “happiness hormone” push;

Enjoy the birds and their morning concert when you get up; read a joke daily and laugh your heart out; eat lots of fruit, vegetables and fish; go outside and enjoy the fresh air and the warm touch of sun. Give a compliment to your friends, family, and coworkers. Decorate your living area with bright colors and of course some fresh flowers. And most important, if you know somebody that just needs some happiness to kick off the new season, send them flowers and show them you care!

This season, celebrate spring and life and enjoy the good times with your friends, kids, family, pets and nature!

We wish you all a wonderful beginning of spring 2011!