What comes to mind when you hear “the flower of life?” The chances are that you begin to imagine a flower that has radiant beauty or incredible healing properties. While no one can blame you for such an interpretation, you are off the mark.

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You see, the flower of life is no flower at all. In fact, it is a shape! Of course, it’s no basic shape, as is a circle or triangle. Furthermore, it has an underlying meaning. It’s a geometry shape, which may clue you in on what makes it so complex.

It begins with what is known as the seed of life. In this article, you can expect to learn several important details, such as:

  • What is sacred geometry?
  • What is the seed of life?
  • Description of the flower of life
  • The meaning of the flower of life
  • Applications of the flower of life

What Is Sacred Geometry?

Since the flower of life is a form of sacred geometry, it’s best for you to start at the beginning. First, try to recall basic geometry. When you do, several basic shapes probably come to mind.

However, none of these shapes have much of a deep meaning. That’s where sacred geometry differs from the normal variety. Shapes of sacred geometry are rarely, if ever a single entity. They typically appear to be groupings of simple shapes.

Apart from their look being different from simpler shapes, they also tend to have a deep metaphysical meaning. These meanings can be used to understand the world we live in better.

How is this possible? Well, there is some level of structure behind things that may seem chaotic. There are patterns, ratios, and frequencies that reveal everything. Some examples of sacred geometry in the world are beehives, snowflakes, and nautilus shells.

What Is the Seed of Life?

Before jumping into the flower of life, you must understand the seed of life. After all, there is no flower if no seed is planted, right? The seed of life can be expressed as seven interleaved circles.

The circles are precisely placed using six-fold symmetry. The result is a pattern of discernable lenses and circles. It may seem complex to describe or look at, but it is a basic component of the flower of life.

The meaning behind it is the seven days of creation. This is also the reason that the seed is the origin of the flower of life. As the seed is a part of sacred geometry, it is related to other shapes in the group. These include the already mentioned flower of life, the Vesica Pisces, the fruit of life, and the Metatron’s cube. Therefore, the seed of life is also related to the Platonic solids.

Description of the Flower of Life

Now that the building blocks are out of the way, it is time to review the flower of life. As you have gathered, the flower of life is also a geometric symbol. It is comprised of evenly spaced circles that lay in a flower-like pattern. There is a six-fold symmetry here like that of a hexagon.

Architects, artists, philosophers, and even fashion designers around the world have used the shape. The number of circles and the way the pattern is expressed varies depending on who is using it. However, there is one common form that many people have accepted.

This pattern consists of 19 full circles, as well as 36 partial circular arcs. The pattern is expressed such that the center of each circle is touched by the circumference of six others. The resulting hexagonal pattern is then enclosed by one large circle that borders the whole arrangement.

Meaning of the Flower of Life

So, now you should have an idea of what the flower of life looks like and how it is composed. Now it is time for you to understand the meaning that lies behind the pattern.

Like the seed that comes before it, the flower of life is also a symbol of creation. However, the increased complexity and the additional links take it a step further. It is also an expression of the unity that should exist between all people and things. It reminds everyone that they are built from the same blueprint, which establishes common ground.

It is said that you can find all geometric forms within the flower of life. This is the reason that it finds itself at the base of even more complex sacred geometry shapes. Such shapes include the Merkaba and the Metatron’s cube. The meanings only get more apparent as the flower-like grid expands.

Applications of the Flower of Life

By now, you should understand the appearance and the meaning of the flower of life. The final thing is to turn your attention to a couple of the ways it is used.

One of the most popular is fashion. You may not believe it, but the pattern is very trendy-looking on clothes. Shirts are most often seen with it printed on them.

Patterns that can infinitely repeat often find themselves used in mathematics and art. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most notable individuals where this was concerned. He was very interested in both the mathematical and the artistic properties of the construct. This led him to study and draw it, as well as other components associated with it.

The flower of life can be found in science, religion, construction, etc. You never know where and when this amazing pattern can pop up.


The flower of life is a form of sacred geometry that is formed from the seed of life. Sacred geometry consists of complex shapes with metaphysical meanings. The seed of life is a representation of creation, and the seven days that it took.

The flower is a collection of those seeds in a potentially infinitely expanding pattern. The most common representation uses 19 circles and 36 partial circular arcs. The whole hexagonal arrangement is surrounded by a huge circle.

The meanings of the flower of life include unity and creation. Many areas, such as fashion, art, and science, have made use of this pattern.