One of the greatest things about being alive is the ability to enjoy flowers. Looking at their beauty is awesome, and some of them have unique and breathtaking characteristics. This is the reason that so many people enjoy getting flowers as gifts.

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Those who don’t get them as gifts may just buy some. There’s no denying that they add an incredible touch wherever they may be placed. Lavender flowers are among some of the less popular flora. While they’re not relegated to being unknown, they are overshadowed by roses and lilies.

So, today’s focus is purely on lavender flowers. What do you think of when you imagine lavenders? Whatever the response to that may be, it’s time for you to become acquainted with their meanings. Prepare to learn the following:

  • Description and basic meanings
  • Symbolism
  • Etymological meaning
  • The lavender flower’s message
  • Useful Botanical properties

Description and Basic Meanings

You can easily identify lavenders based on their physical characteristics. They are well-known for their spiky flowers. The flowers are made up of numerous small florets that run along the length of a narrow stem.

As the name implies, they are a brilliant shade of purple known as lavender. They have had their place in history for centuries, as they have always been valued. Their aesthetic beauty is a big part of their appeal, but they are also very versatile. Their fragrance is also a source of appeal. Many products mimic this fragrance to appeal to consumers. These flowers also have healing capabilities, which have been exploited for ages.

Lavender flowers have numerous meanings, as many other flowers do. While there is some variety, many of them fall under one of seven basic meanings. These meanings are calmness, grace, serenity, silence, devotion, caution, and purity.


Of course, humans can’t resist attaching symbolism to flowers. The symbolism that is associated with these flowers is heavily based on their color. As you may know, the color purple has always been associated with royalty. If you imagine most royal figures, they are usually dressed in unique and elegant clothes. One standout feature that typically accompanies these clothes is a crown.

Based on this association, many cultures associate the lavender flower with the crown chakra. If this term is new to you, chakras are energy centers. These energy centers are prominent throughout the body, and they have dedicated purposes.

The crown chakra, which is also called the seventh chakra, is found at the top of the head. Of course, this is the highest point of the body, and, therefore, it is associated with spiritual connectivity. You can imagine it referring to the “crown” of your head.

Etymological Meaning

While the word “lavender” is an English word, its root is not found in the English language. Generally, the word is believed to have come from the word “lavandre.” Lavandre is an Old French word that also doesn’t originate in its native language. Instead, lavandre is derived from lavare. Lavare is a Latin word, which means “to wash.” This is said to symbolize the use of the flower for infusion purposes.

The botanic name for lavender flowers is “Lavandula.” While this comes from the French and Latin influences mentioned, there are other sources. Different European countries have vernacular names for the flowers that were used to help come up with this name.

Though these are accepted explanations, there are doubts about their authenticity. This is because it is also believed that the name is derived from “livere.” Livere is a Latin word that means “blueish.” This seems more appropriate.

The Lavender Flower’s Message

There is an undeniably elegant presence that emanates from lavender flowers. Therefore, it’s no surprise that their message is one of royalty and refinement. You can ascertain its message from both its appearance and its aroma. These all heavily hint at femininity, elegance, and grace.

A lot of this comes from the distinction between lavender and purple. Purple symbolizes royalty, and lavender gets this meaning from it. However, you can see the influences of pink on lavender as well. Pink is known for its meanings of both youth and femininity.

When you put all this together, you could say that lavender is a more grown-up and elegant version of femininity. This message has been accepted by many, which is why these flowers have such an important place in nature. Many people consider lavender flowers to be more precious and delicate than any other. It would appear lavenders say a lot!

Useful Botanical Properties

While lavenders can be appreciated for their beauty, they can also be used in practical ways. This just serves to reinforce how important and amazing lavender flowers are.

Aromatherapy is one of the most common uses. However, this is usually done for minor injuries. Headaches, acne, inflammation, burns, and insect bites can all be soothed with lavender flower infusions.

The flowers also function as a repellant, which is very effective against many types of insects. Lavender seeds are sometimes placed inside pillows. Doing so is said to aid people in getting more restful sleep. This is achieved through the fostering of a high level of relaxation. This relaxation carries over to the world of tea. Many people infuse lavender flowerheads to boiling water for this reason. The resulting tea is said to promote calm and relaxation, which is the reason it is usually enjoyed at bedtime.


While lavender flowers don’t enjoy the kind of popularity that roses and lilies do, they have their place in the world. The aesthetic and practical benefits that they provide are amazing, to say the least.

Lavenders have numerous meanings. However, they all tend to fall under the categories of calmness, caution, devotion, grace, purity, silence, and serenity. The lavender flower is associated with the crown chakra in some cultures.

There is some confusion regarding the source of the flower’s name, but there are two generally accepted explanations, which both speak to Latin influences. These flowers send a message of mature femininity, and they have numerous practical uses.