When it comes to adding a touch of good Feng Shui to your home flowers are often rightly seen as one of the best natural ways to achieve balance. Not just any blooms will do however. Choosing the right Feng Shui flowers involves selecting flowers that will add just the right positive character and energetic influence to your decor.

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The basic principal of Feng Shui is to increase the flow of Qi (sometimes also written as Chi) energy to homes. This was often used traditionally to orient new buildings when they were built to get the best energy from the surrounding wind and water (which is what Feng Shui literally translates to). Nowadays however, it is used in both the East and West to plan and organise interior design in both homes and offices.

This is where flowers come in, as they can be used to influence and increase a lot of different Qi characteristics, which we will look at now:


Orchid zen arrangement

These beautiful oriental flowers are known for their positive vibes. Orchids are said to add good Feng Shui if you (or someone close to you) is ambitious when it comes to career matters. In addition they can also be used to spur on someone’s progression in a spiritual sense and also boost fertility. These are the perfect flowers to help someone grow in all walks of life.


pink Chrysanthemums and pink candles on pebbles

These are the flowers to place around your home when you want to make serious money and boost your finances. They are best known for increasing your chances of good luck and it therefore stands to reason that these are the flowers to use when you’re undertaking a risky new project that could pay off very well if all goes well. As if that wasn’t perfect enough, the pink varieties are thought to also increase happiness too!


Yellow daffodils in vase with candle

They may not seem like a traditional flower to bring zen and balance to your home but the humble daffodil (or more specifically it’s family genus narcissus) is another perfect choice to increase the flow of positive energy in your home. It is thought that similarly to chrysanthemums, adding daffodils to your home can influence your prosperity and increase your financial wealth.

Lotus flowers

Lotus flower on pond

Lotus flowers are used for many varied things in Eastern medicine and well being. As Feng Shui flowers this is no exception as these flowers are seen to promote health and purity of being, as they are seen as boosting this property due to their unspoiled appearance after growing from swampy muddy ground and are perfect for adding a touch of harmony to your home.


pink peonies in a vase

Orchids may be the best Feng Shui flowers to use if you’re looking to start a family, however if you are looking to meet Mr or Miss Right peonies are the flowers to choose. It is believed that these flowers will help singles find love and romance and should be kept in the bedroom for the best results.

No matter what positive attributes you want to use the power of Feng Shui to achieve, there is a perfect flower available for you. Will you use any of suggestions?

Add the positive energy of orchids and other beautiful flowers to someone’s home today with FloraQueen’s international flower delivery service to over 100 countries worldwide. We work with local florists all over the world to ensure you can deliver quality flowers and orchid plants wherever your loved ones may be.