It’s June and summer is in the year. As a result it will come as no surprise that our bouquet of the month for this sunny month is a bright and beautiful sunflower arrangement! Our Breath of Colour bouquet combines summer sunflowers with bright red carnations and striking lavender coloured limonium and is bound to turn heads when it arrives as a surprise to someone’s home.

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We absolutely love this bouquet, and we’re sure you’re going to as well. Let’s look at why it’s such an amazing sunflower arrangement in more detail.

sunflower and carnation bouquet

What this sunflower bouquet signifies:

Sunflowers are a flower of joy, of positive health and of focus but this bouquet takes things to another level. Yellow flowers normally connote friendship and in some cases disappointment, although in the case of sunflowers this doesn’t always apply. This is especially true in the case of bridal flowers where sunflowers often prove popular despite yellow flowers not normally fitting the theme of romance and love. So don’t be afraid to send this colourful arrangement to someone who makes your heart beat faster.

What flowers are in this bouquet?


Sunflowers up close with red carnations

Happy sunny sunflowers are the main attraction in this bouquet. With their bright yellow petals and their striking brown roundel (which actually comprises more than 1000 individual smaller flowers). Sunflowers are known for communicating many positive properties and that is certainly the case here.

Red Carnations:

Bouquet of sunflowers red carnations and limonium

Bouncy bouffant red carnations are in the mix too to add a little extra colour and passion to this beautiful sunflower arrangement. Red carnations like other red flowers are known for conveying deep love and affection and this adds extra sincerity to this stylish bouquet.

Purple Limonium:

Why this Stunning Sunflower Arrangement Is Our Bouquet Of The Month

Purple is the third colour in this bright arrangement, thanks to luscious limonium. Limonium is a fantastic to way accentuate the bouquet even further and is often used in bouquets to add a long lasting extra dash of colour and flair to the arrangement. Purple limonium is thought to add a touch of fantasy and enchantment to a bouquet and that stands out clearly in this creation.

When you should give someone this bouquet:

This bouquet has celebration written all over it and we recommend it as a perfect birthday or congratulatory gift. As we saw above, sunflower arrangements during the summer months are also an ideal way to express joy and happiness to a couple on their wedding day, so be sure to take advantage this year and share this joyful explosion of colour during the season.

Share the joys of the summer season and save 10% on our bouquet of the month for June. No matter where your loved ones are celebrating, this sunflower arrangement can reach them with our international flower delivery service to over 100 countries. Give summer smiles today.