A succulent plant is a fleshy plant adapted to survive in arid environments because of the characteristics of the soil, climate, or high salt concentration. This type of plant has a high level of adaptation to the environment, quite different from those of other xerophyte plants, which is linked to their capacity to store water in their leaves, stems, or roots. Succulents can also prevent water loss. Their leaves may be covered with wax or hair, or have a reduction in surface space.

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The succulents are geographically distributed along the sea, in plains, vast hot deserts of the world, or mountains up to several thousand meters above sea level depending on the species. They can suck up rainwater quickly when it falls to the ground, but some take advantage of the morning fogs of the sea, which is their only source of water for very long periods.

In this article, we are going to develop the following points:

* Why Does the Succulent Plant Change Colors?
* Some Examples of Colorful Succulents
* Pieces of Advice to Take Care of Your Colored Plant
* The Main Guidelines to Take Care of This Plant

Why Does the Succulent Plant Change Colors?

If succulents attract plant lovers so much, for some, it is because they are hairy, when sometimes, it is because they have very particular colors. You can find succulents in very dark green, others in a very light one. Some are reddish while others are pretty pastel pink.

Better still, some succulents have leaves whose colors change according to some variables that are mainly external factors like too much sun, heat or cold, or a lack of care that causes these changes.

These factors can highly stress the plants and can damage or kill most of the classic plants. However, this is not the case for succulents that are used to severe conditions. The stressed succulent plant makes new pigments to protect itself, so it is easy for you to know when your plant is suffering. The green leaves then turn to red, orange, pink, or even purple and yellow. It is a spectacle not to be missed for botanical lovers.

Some Examples of Colorful Succulents

Among the succulents with unusual colors, some are relatively surprising. The best-known succulents are cacti with their greenish leaves. We can also find the Aeonium Arboreum with very dark leaves and Gothic or even Baroque looks. It is a plant that is both common and rare because it does not meet the most popular tastes.

There are also many succulents of the Echeveria family among the colorful succulents. Among them, the pretty Echeveria Chihuahuensis is distinguished by its leaves ranging from a discreet blue to soft green with pink tips. Without forgetting, of course, the famous Jade tree, whose oval leaves have rosy or even red edges. It is a relatively common succulent that many like for its beautiful look. For the jade tree, sometimes, it is the shapes and colors of the succulent leaves that make you speechless, combining the geometry and softness of the leaves.

Pieces of Advice to Take Care of Your Colored Plant

You should be careful if one of your succulent plants changes color slowly after having recently changed its environment like the place or sun exposure. It may be a sign that it is not suitable for it. This is often the case, for example, with haworthias, which do not like direct sunlight, especially if you expose them to a windowsill. Their leaves may turn to a very unattractive yellow.

Also, even if this kind of plant is known to be resistant, we recommend that you get all the necessary pieces of information about the stress factors for any succulent that you wish to acquire. You can get this information from your favorite florist, or by doing research online.

The Main Guidelines to Take Care of This Plant

The space and height required for succulents greatly depend on the plan chosen. Given the number of succulent species, there are many differences from one plant to another. You should also ask about the growth rate of the plant. The substrate must be well-draining and must approach a desert soil. It is essential to put small gravel at the bottom of the pot so that the water does not accumulate.

To clean a succulent plant, you can simply spray a little water on the smooth leaves and wipe them with a cloth or brush. We prefer a maximum of sunshine and light for succulents. They like warm temperatures, but do not forget to give them a rest period, with a cooler and drier environment. Even though succulents can withstand periods of drought, watering is still essential. We talk about a weekly frequency in summer and even less during the winter period.

Succulents are a type of plant that you can find in different plant families. They come from very sunny regions, such as Africa or South America. Therefore, they can store water in their leaves, stems, and roots, so that they can withstand periods of drought. With their beautiful geometric shapes, round or pointed, as well as their multitude of colors, it is difficult not to fall in love with this amazing plant.

These plants are easy to maintain and have no equal in brightening up a room. In a terrarium, vertical arrangement, or pots of bright colors, the only limit to what we can create with succulents is our imagination. They have beautiful colors going from green and its shades to yellow, pink, purple, and even red. If they are stressed due to many factors, they change colors to protect themselves and amaze us in the process with their new look.