Weddings are beautiful events that indicate the start of a bond between two people who are in love. While many people view the wedding as the big step, the happy couple needs to maintain their love and passion for a lifetime.

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This is way more challenging, as time tests the very fabric of the marriage. There are many things that a married couple could face. Preparing for them all isn’t possible. However, a couple that can conquer all those trials together is one that is likely to last.

Anniversaries are badges of pride for those who are married. Every year, a couple can say that the fabric of their marriage withstood everything that came. This article covers the appropriate flowers for the first 10 anniversaries and why they fit so well. These are:


The carnation is the first flower on the list. This one is popular with married couples when the first anniversary comes around. They are used because they symbolize passionate and young love. While making it through a year is no easy feat, it’s the first of many milestones to come for marriage.

People traditionally opt for red carnations. However, there are many colors to choose from. Each couple is encouraged to find the color that best represents their brand of love.


For the second anniversary, the happy couple should be looking at cosmos. While this is still one of the earlier anniversaries, the marriage has had more time to mature. Couples tend to view love in a simplistic light at the beginning of the journey. However, by this time, a deeper understanding has been achieved, and the complexity heightens to match it.

While cosmos don’t represent the final version of love, they represent the growth that has been achieved so far.


The radiant sunflower is the recommended flower for the third anniversary of marriage. After the third year of marriage, a greater amount of solidarity should have been achieved. This is where the sunflower comes into play.

This is a flower that is associated with passion, joy, and strength. Those who are married should always be passionate about each other. At the same time, sunflowers are known for their durability. This is a characteristic that the marriage should also share. At this point, the level of trust in the marriage should be greater than it was in the past.


Geranium is the flower that is used for the fourth anniversary. There is a comfortable aura that the flower gives off, as well as a level of vibrancy. The idea is that this should represent what marriage is like in the fourth year.

Though things may not be perfect, the married couple has had numerous experiences together. More importantly, they’ve spent time together. This means that there should now be a comfort zone that is established. Of course, surprises are still expected; however, there is now a rhythm going.


Here comes the daisy at the fifth-anniversary mark. The reason that daisies are chosen for this anniversary is the structure of their flowers. If you look closely, you can break the flower into two entities. These are the center of the flower and the petals.

The petals seem to be extending outwards from the center. The significance here is that the center is representative of the strong bond that has been formed up to this point. The petals are intended to represent the many ways in which the couple is destined to continue to grow together.

Calla Lily

One of the most elegant flowers around is recommended for the sixth anniversary. The calla lily has a simple and radiant beauty about it. As married people continue to grow together, they find each other even more attractive in new ways.

This is a testament to growth and development. After six years, there is nothing but genuine love holding the marriage together. The couple is now way past any doubts or any simplistic interpretations of love.


For the seventh anniversary, the freesia is recommended. This is because the flower is known for its many amazing and unique characteristics. The first of these in an amazing scent. The second is the breathtaking appearance that the flower has. The buds appear to form a stairway to the stem.

This symbolizes how far the couple has come. They can now reflect on the journey that has led to this point, and they can look forward to the surprises that are still yet to come.


The lilac is the recommended flower for the eighth anniversary. Whether you choose white or purple lilacs (or both), they are representative of where you should be at this time. White lilacs indicate first love, while the purple variety indicates rebirth.

The eighth anniversary is a great time to reflect on the things that brought you together initially. As life goes on, a lot of new variables are introduced, which make things complex. You need to take the time to remember the simple things that matter and use them to stay focused.

Bird of Paradise

Clearly, the ninth anniversary flower is a very sophisticated one, since it has such a name. There’s no denying that this is a marvelous anniversary flower. It has many points, which denote the adventures that await in the future. At the same time, the beauty denotes all that is great about marriage.


The daffodil is a flower that looks better in groups, though each is beautiful. This symbolizes the memories you have made over 10 years. Each is wonderful, but when you look at them together, you see how extraordinary your marriage is.


Flowers are great for providing symbolism for many of life’s milestones. Marriage is one such milestone, and there are different flowers that can be used to signify wonderful happenings each year. This article looked at the 10 appropriate flowers for each year of marriage and what they represent. You can integrate these flowers in any way you see fit.