On 8 March next, International Women’s Day, will be held. Not only is it a day of celebration but it is also a call for continued activism, which commemorates the struggle to achieve a fairer and more egalitarian society, in which men and women hold the same status and importance.

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This is the idea underpinning this date; nevertheless, the way in which it is celebrated varies greatly according to the country. In some places, 8 March is brimming with demonstrations and conferences, while in others, there are virtually no protests and the day revolves around spoiling and pampering women.

Today we want to tell you about two countries in which the celebration of Women’s Day is closely intertwined with flowers:


International Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time in Italy in 1946, organised by the political party UDI (Unione Donne Italiane, the Italian Women’s Union). The aim was to fight for women’s emancipation from the subjugation perpetrated by male society.

Members of this political party chose the mimosa as the symbol of the Festa della Donna. Why this flower was chosen is not known precisely, but it is speculated that it was because it is an abundant flower that is easy to find at this time of year… and also on account of its yellow colour, which lends cheerfulness, and because the delicateness of its flowerheads is reminiscent of women’s sweetness.


Image source: http://goo.gl/EXej6h

Today, on Women’s Day, Italy’s tradition of gifting a bouquet of mimosas to women (whatever their age) lives on. And, in recent years, a new trend has emerged: many groups of female friends come together on 8 March to go out and celebrate their feast day.


Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world on 8 March since on this date, in 1917, Russian women staged a riot to protest against the lack of foodstuffs. Despite this historic background, in Russia today, Women’s Day is a celebration that does not incorporate the activist element that is palpable in the rest of the world.

There are no demonstrations or protests advocating equality, but what can be seen in the cities’ streets are throngs of men carrying flowers, which they will bestow upon their wives, girlfriends, friends or female family members as a token of gratitude and respect for everything that they do for them.

And do you know of any other country in which flowers are just as important on Women’s Day? Tell us in the comments section below!
