The month of August is full of last-minute summer fun and getting everything ready for the school year. What people often forget is that there is so much more to a month than just getting things done. Days sometimes begin to flow together, and people don’t get to enjoy what a month has to offer. Like birthstones, each month also possesses a flower of its own. As some of the most vibrant flowers of the season, it only seems logical we honor the last month of summer with the gladiolus and the poppy flower. Every flower comes with significance and meaning. Either of these flowers is a great choice to shower anyone with an August birthday!

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Get ready to bask in the essence of these beautiful flowers! Learn how these plants came to hold the honor of representing the month of August.

  • The Gladiolus
  • The Poppy
  • The August Birthstone
  • The Zodiac Sign of August

If you are looking to buy a one of a kind gift for someone special, consider a bouquet of gladioluses and poppies! A present like this is perfect for any August birthday.

The Gladiolus

The first August birth flower is the gladiolus. The gladiolus is an exquisite flower that grows from a tall spike line with sharp leaves. The edges of the herb can cut your skin if you run your finger down towards the ground. In fact, this flower is nicknamed “the sword lily,” due to the shape of the leaves.

This plant is also known as the flower of the gladiators. In Ancient Rome, everyone would gather in an arena waiting for the gladiators to begin. They would fight in honor of the gladiolus flower, and the winner would be showered with them. Why is this flower important to August? Most arena battles were held during summer months. Typically, the final fight would be held at the end of August because the gladiolus was in full bloom.

The gladiolus symbolizes love at first sight and deeply passionate love. Gladioli also symbolizes the strength of character, integrity, faithfulness, and infatuation. The key to the flower’s meaning tends to stand with its persistence.

The Poppy

Poppies are a beautiful perennial that has a short life. These flowers may not be big but hold a great significance and may even be one of the most popular herbs used on movie sets. The poppy history begins with the Sumerians; they believed the flower represented joy to their people and all of life’s creations. Once the flower made its way to the Greeks, they began to hold immense significance in religion. The plant then became known as a symbol for the gods. Today, these flowers make a huge statement when it comes to the topic of war. During World War I, many wives and families who lost a loved one overseas would plant poppies or even decorate their homes with them. The bloom is also an emblem for Remembrance Day. This day is dedicated to the ones we’ve lost who served in the armed forces.

On the other hand, the poppy represents pleasure, wealth, and success. Of course, the different colors of the flower have different meanings, but overall the flower is opposite of the gladiolus. The poppy flower is very soft and smooth, not only in appearance but meaning as well. The poppy is a great gift to give to your boss if you just got a promotion, considering promotions are pleasurable!

Poppies have lobed leaves that, when dissected, release a milk-like sap that is used in medication like opioids and morphine. The fluid contains a DNA complex that helps relieve pain in a fast manner. If you were to apply this sap directly to an affected area, it wouldn’t do anything but make it burn. The fluid must be broken down into a solidified consistency that can be taken orally. The enzymes in our digestive system then break down the sap even further, to ensure quick pain relief. Who knew?

The August Birthstone

Since August is one of the main focuses, it only seems fair to help you understand all the aspects it shares. August not only has two flowers to represent it but also has two stones – peridot and sardonyx.  The peridot stone color ranges from bright lime green to a greenish-brown. This gemstone is one of the oldest known today. The stone is also thought to have real healing properties to help protect you from nightmares. Peridot is also supposed to bring the wearer power and promising year. The gemstone is formed deep within the Earth. Stones are mainly found near Hawaiian volcanoes after they erupt.

The sardonyx is an onyx stone that is a mixture of deep maroon and white. The markings on this stone resemble a marble-like pattern. The name comes from Greek roots, onyx meaning “veined gem,” while the prefix sard means “reddish-brown.” The Greeks wore this gem around their necks to ward off evil. They sometimes would even engrave Roman and Greek heroes onto the surface of the stone as a symbol of courage.


Isn’t it amazing how the gemstones and the flowers associated with this month coincide with their history? The gladiolus and poppy flower are a trendy flower for many gardens and landscaping designs. These flowers bring some of the brightest colors ever imaginable to life. The symbolization behind each flower is genuinely inspiring. The Romans and the Greeks were an enormous fan of August. Many of their essential social events took place in this month. Beyond their significance, they both possess a great beauty that is unlike any other flower.

In honor of the celebration of August, this article also mentions the meaning and the history behind both birthstones. The history of both the flowers and the birthstones are very similar and make the month of August exceptional.