Birthdays are a special occasion – they are meant to be celebrated with our family and friends. When someone you know turns 50 – that is a birthday worth truly celebrating. What does it mean when someone has turned 50? It means they have hit an important milestone in life. For some, they would say they are halfway to 100, and with a milestone like this, you have to make sure you find that perfect gift for that 50-year-old.

Whether you decided to go with the more traditional flowers, gold jewelry, or expensive bottles of wine, there are plenty of gifts to pick from to celebrate that person in your life who has turned 50.

In this post, we are going to cover:

  • Gift ideas for that special 50-year old
  • Planning for someone turning 50 years old

Planning for the Perfect Gift

When it comes to picking a gift for that 50-year-old in our life, the first thing you need to consider is their gender. Knowing the gender of the special celebrant is going to help determine what path you take when it comes to finding them a gift. Men are sometimes easier to shop for than women.

Next, you must determine your budget. Once you have set a budget for yourself, then you can start to narrow or broaden your lists of gift ideas.

After you have considered your budget, now to examine the relationship between you and your celebrant. The relationship and closeness you have with your birthday celebrant are going to help determine the type of gift you give them, needing some inspiration for this milestone of a birthday? Read on for some gift ideas that are sure to inspire you and put a smile on your birthday celebrants’ face.

Gift Ideas

With so many things out there to pick from, we have narrowed down the possible gift ideas into themes and popular gifts that someone who is turning 50 would appreciate.

Memory Box

If you and the birthday celebrant go way back – chances are you both have shared in the ups and downs of life. There is also a good chance that you both have celebrated other significant milestones together too. Some significant milestones may include graduation, marriage, the birth of your first child, and maybe grandchild. With all these memories and milestones, why not surprise them on their 50th with a memory box? A memory box can be filled with objects from their childhood, your adventures, toys, certificates, and other sentimental memorabilia that they may have forgotten about. As you find trinkets to include in the memory box, you can add notes to each object explaining them and why you chose to add it to the box. Want to up the ante on the memory box? Why not include some blank cards and say that there are more memories and tokens to collect in the coming years? Once you have finished adding to the box, wrap it up neatly and present it at the party. Hands down, this is going to be one of the most cherished gifts that your birthday celebrant is going to receive.


Once you turn 50, chances are you are either retired or close to retiring. For those who are nearing retirement, the one question that plagues them is what to do with all that free time? If your birthday celebrant is not retired yet, why not get them a gift for something they enjoy doing? There is a big chance that the birthday boy or girl has a hobby that no matter what, they always make time for.

If you do not know what this hobby is, find out what it is, and give them a gift related to it. For example, if they are into gardening, why not get them a gardening gift basket? Are they a fan of the visual arts? Why not get them a book on art or maybe a painting easel along with paints?

What if your celebrant is fortunate enough to be retired? You can still get them a gift that speaks to their hobby.


One’s 50th birthday is considered the golden jubilee, and because of this, the most common, if not a traditional gift to give someone who has turned 50, is gold. This can be gold plated cuff links, a gold watch, a necklace, or any piece of jewelry.

Don’t worry if your budget is a bit less than a pair of gold-plated cuff links. Remember, it is the thought that counts. If the birthday celebrant who is turning 50 is your parent, why not buy some gold tissue paper and wrap your gift in it?


At this age, it can be hard to stay and get healthy. The body begins to change, and sometimes there are more aches and pains than not — what better gift to give someone who is turning 50 than a wellness-themed gift? Not only are you showing you care about their wellness and want them to live longer, but it’s a great way to remind them never to forget to put their health first.

Some gift ideas that you can get that celebrant in your life is a pass to a sports or fitness class such as yoga or meditation. If they prefer to be pampered, you can get them gift cards to the spa.


Your celebrant has just turned 50. They are nearing retirement and ready to travel. Why not get them something along the lines of travel? Is there a specific destination that you know they have been wanting to go to or are about to go to? Why not buy them a travel guide?

If they already have a trip planned, you can see about getting them an experience in the city or their destination during the time that they are traveling. This may require some extra planning, but you can guarantee they are going to love the thought of you giving them something that contributes to their trip.

One’s 50th birthday comes only once in a lifetime. It is an important day in one’s life; it alone is a milestone and accomplishment. Make this day extra special by honoring them on their day. Whatever you chose to get your birthday celebrant, know that they are going to be thankful and appreciative because all that matters is they get to celebrate this day with their friends and family.