When it comes to the birthdays of our cousins, we celebrate them as though we are celebrating our siblings. In a way, it can make finding them a birthday gift daunting and stressful. No matter the age, young or old, finding the perfect gift for our cousin is one way of showing them just how special and important they are to us. A gift that is carefully selected for your cousin is indeed one way of showing them they have a place in your heart.

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To help with finding your cousin a gift we share:

Planning for the Perfect Gift

When it comes to picking a gift for our cousin, one of the first things to consider is if the cousin you are getting a gift for is a male or female. When it comes to female cousins, depending on your relationship with them, you can see them as a fellow sister; therefore, you want to find that perfect gift. The same would be said if they were a male cousin, as they could be perceived like a brother.

It is essential to plan what kind of possible gift you want to buy them. One aspect of planning that one should consider is the budget. How much do you want to spend on a gift for your cousin? Setting a budget before your research can give you an idea of possible gift ideas within that budget.

The other thing to consider when buying a birthday gift for your cousin is whether you are close or not. For some families, cousins spend a lot of time together; however, some cousins only see each other only a handful of times. If you only see each other once a year or twice, it is okay to give a gift that isn’t overly personal. Whereas, if you and your cousin are very close, male or female, you want to ensure you give a gift that represents that bond, that closeness.

A final thing to consider when planning for a gift for your cousin is what others may or may not give. If you have a gift you know no one else is going to buy, go ahead and buy it; however, if you think that there may be another relative (or friend) who may want to buy the same gift, consider discussing so that there is no duplication in gifts. The last thing you want to happen is to buy a gift that a bunch of other people has bought your cousin, too.

Themes for Birthday Gifts

Family or friends, it is always nice to think about possible themes that your special someone is going to appreciate. With cousins, we share themes of possible gift ideas for your cousin.

A Gift of Experience

There comes a time in one’s life where the best gift to receive (or give) is one for an experience. Experiences can be anything that includes skydiving, a cooking class, or a paint-nite. A gift of an experience is one that is sure to create memories for your cousin and yourself. Not sure whether or not an experience is a gift to get?

One way of knowing if an experience is a gift to give is to consider past conversations. Maybe she has talked about taking a pottery class, or he’s shared how we wish to take that Italian cooking class. Consider your discussions and the possible hints they may have been dropping.

Example of gifts that can fulfill an experience include:

  • Theatre tickets (ex. Broadway, Cirque du Soleil)
  • Sports game
  • Language course
  • Cooking class
  • Arts and crafts

Pampering Gifts

Don’t be deceived by this category and assume only girls like to be pampered. Even guys enjoy being pampered and spoiled. If your cousin is continuously on the go, getting them a pampered theme gift may be something they secretly don’t know they need. If they are unsure about getting pampered, such as going to a spa or for a massage, you can create a pampered theme gift basket.

Examples of gifts that would fulfill a pampered gift include:

  • Spa gift certificates
  • Yoga class
  • Meditation class
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage gift certificate
  • A gift basket with – bath salts, facial masks, bath bombs, and lotions.
  • Hair salon

Interest-Based Gifts

Next to their parents, and possibly yours, you know your cousin best. If you grew up together, having sleepovers and going to Girl Guides or Scouts, you know what your cousin likes and dislikes. When you base a gift on their likes and dislikes, you are picking an interest-based gift.

For example, does your cousin have a green thumb? Why not gift them a particular gardening toolset? Or maybe you can buy them a gardening book? Whatever their interest, consider their hobbies and use that as a theme itself to find that perfect gift.

Some examples of interest-based gifts include:

  • Baking themed
  • Gardening themed
  • Music themed
  • Sports themed
  • Cooking themed
  • Movie-themed

Sentimental Gifts

Want a gift that represents just how much your cousin means to you? Sentimental gifts include making a mix CD of your favorite songs or a photo or collage of your time together. Sentimental gifts are ones that technically don’t require much effort or thought as they come naturally. As we get older, we start to appreciate the more beautiful things in life, and when it comes to family, we can begin to see the people in our lives differently. Sentimental gifts are a great way to show your cousin that you value and cherish all the years you have grown up together.

Some examples of sentimental gifts include:

  • Personalized t-shirt
  • Photo or collage
  • Gift box featuring childhood treats and toys
  • A mixed CD with songs you both used to sing to

Even if you spent your childhood apart or only saw each other once in a while, a sentimental gift can speak profoundly about the importance and value of family to you. Cousins are essentially an extension of siblings because they can drive us crazy, take our favorite toy, and embarrass us; however, no matter what, we wouldn’t trade them for anything.

This year, give your cousin a gift that they are going to remember years down the road.