Knowing what to ask for on your birthday can be both exciting and stressful at the same time. Take control of your birthday wishes with our list of birthday gift ideas for any age and season.

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In this post, we share tips on:

  • How to ask for what you want
  • Gift ideas by age

Your birthday comes around once a year, and this is no time to be modest (unless your birthday falls on Christmas – sorry!). It never hurts to give friends and family ideas and hints as to what it is you want. Give them confidence as they shop for a birthday present for you.

Tired of dropping hints that are continually being ignored? Want to be explicit with your friends and family on what it is you want? When it comes to asking for what you want, the best thing to do is:

Be Direct

Whether you are asking for a gift or sharing your feelings, being direct can be difficult; however, it is the only way to get what you want. How does one be direct without being perceived as selfish or mean? To help those around you hear what it is you want them to hear, you can start by saying something like, “This year, I would like…” or “I always appreciate the gifts you give me each year, but this year I would like…”

These direct statements, while straightforward, shows the sender that you have your mindset on a specific gift. In the second example, we let the person know that we appreciate the gifts they have gotten us in the past, but this year, it would be even better if they got that specific gift.

Being direct can be hard, especially when it comes to asking for something for ourselves, but you shouldn’t!

It is your birthday, and wouldn’t it be better to have something you want or could use?

Leave hints

Think of it as the visual board for birthday gifts. Maybe you have been eyeing that new CD by Taylor Swift but want someone to gift it to you. Why not regularly play Taylor Swift songs and talk about how you don’t have her latest and hottest album yet?

Or, maybe you want the new Amazon Alexa as a birthday gift? Drop subtle or funny hints about how great technology is and how you would absolutely love your own little Amazon Alexa.

Hopefully, with all the hints you are dropping, they should be able to get the clue and buy you what it is you want. Be careful, though; sometimes, we may hint at one thing and not realize that the person we are trying to encourage to buy that specific item might pick up on something different. To avoid this, say precisely what it is you want in your clue or hint dropping; that way, you can be confident that they can’t mess up.

Use a registry or make a list.

Did you know that you can pretty much have a registry for everything? From bridal showers to baby showers and birthdays, you can indicate on a website what you want and then share the list with your guests.

From Amazon to Apple and Walmart, find precisely what you want and include it to your list. Once you have compiled a list, then you can share it with your birthday guests, friends, or family. This is one way to ensure that those who get you a gift get exactly what you want. This can be helpful for those who may not know what to get you or who needs some ideas.

If you are going this route, it is recommended that you include items at all different price points, as not everyone may be able to afford those Apple Airpods, but you know there is someone who can afford a $20 iPhone case for you.

Gifts for Every Age

Don’t be deceived by your age, nor should you feel pressure to ask for gifts that are “age” appropriate. If you are, however, looking for ideas to share with others as to what to get you for your birthday, here is a list of good birthday gifts for any age group!


  • Bottle of alcohol
  • Restaurant or fast food gift cards
  • Money
  • Movie passes


  • Bottle of wine
  • Flowers
  • Box of chocolate
  • Book
  • An experience (spa or vineyard)


  • Quality alcohol
  • Flowers
  • An experience (spa or vineyard)
  • Concert or performance tickets
  • Restaurant gift card

These are significant milestones with gift ideas to help when it comes to trying to find that perfect gift. The older one gets, there is less of a desire for materialistic items. If anything, there is a greater desire for experiences and memories. Some experiences include a day at the spa, a tour of a vineyard, or a food tasting excursion. These experiences may be short-lived; however, the memories last a lifetime.

Are you looking to purchase some alcohol as a gift? The truth of the matter is when you are young and new to drinking; any bottle of liquor is good. When you get older, however, and your palette has developed, you know exactly what you like and don’t like. It’s okay to ask for a nice bottle of rum or whiskey rather than just a bottle of tequila for your birthday. Remember that saying about a beautiful bottle of wine only getting better with age? That is your taste buds when it comes to alcohol.

Birthday Fun

Remember that your birthday comes once a year. It is the one time of year where you can ask for anything you want and not feel guilty about it. Remember that your friends and family want to celebrate your birthday by giving you something that they think you are going to enjoy. Are you tired of getting birthday socks from your great aunt? Don’t be afraid to tell friends and family exactly what you want.

Celebrate your birthday and open gifts that won’t just collect dust on a shelf, but that is sure to be put to good use.