Nature is full of secrets and wonders. There is one particular mystery, though: flowers. This undeniably beautiful creation is full of variety in shape, colors, and scents but also meaning. Flowers have always accompanied us during our special occasions including happy occasions, like weddings and anniversaries, or sad occasions, like funerals.

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Flowers can also transport you to other places. For instance, if you put an exotic plant into your environment, with its beautiful radiant color and its strong wild scent, you can feel like you are traveling to a special and unique destination just by spending an hour laying down on your garden chair.

In this article, we are going to travel into different points of the world with an inspiring collection of the most beautiful exotic flowers you can find, including the following:

* The velvetleaf and its different colors

* The pretty and shiny anthurium

* The elegant and colorful heliconia

* The Chinese Rose, Hibiscus

* Strelitzia or the bird of paradise

The Velvetleaf and its Different Colors

The velvetleaf is highly appreciated for its bell-shaped flowers; it is most often in the form of a very aesthetic flowering shrub that you can find on terraces or in the garden. This flower blooms from spring until fall, between May and October. It can reach three meters in height for some species. They are also known as living or apartment maples.

The flowers can take various shades such as lavender blue, orange, red, white, yellow and sometimes dressed with two-tone. The foliage is semi-persistent. If you live in a region with a mild climate, you can plant it in the open ground; otherwise, you should grow it in pot and cover from cold if the temperatures drop to -5 degrees C.

You should plant it in a soil well-drained in the sun, but avoid the hottest temperature during summer. During their growth process, pinch the young stems to stimulate branching and water regularly.

The Pretty and Shiny Anthurium

Anthurium, also called the tongue of fire, is a tropical plant having the shape of a very pretty flower with shiny foliage. You can find it throughout the year with a wide range of colors. This beauty can easily fit into any astonishing composition imagined by florists. In some habits, it was offered to young couples and installed in the entrance to welcome visitors.

It needs a lot of light and humidity to grow, but be aware that you should not expose it directly to the sun’s rays. The best temperature for the anthurium is between 18 and 25 degrees C. Water it when the soil begins to dry and add fertilizer during summer. Its different colors range from flamboyant red to white, pink, or orange, makes it a must in your garden. Moreover, it is a de-polluting plant to help you clean your air from pollution.

The Elegant and Colorful Heliconia

This flower can be grown at home or in a veranda. Also called crab claw or parrot beak, heliconia looks a bit like Strelitzia. It comes from a region in Central America and you can find it in some Pacific islands. It has classy, colorful, and elegant flowers. Its leaves are reminiscent of those of the banana tree. Heliconia can reach up to 5 meters in height.

It flowers between February and November in a humid environment. The best temperature for its growth process is 18 degrees C. You can take it outside in the garden but the temperature should not drop below 15 degrees C if you want it to grow. Do not expose it directly to the sun.

This plant grows in good and humid soil and requires particular maintenance by regular watering it at least once in the week. Every 15 days, you can add liquid or slow-release fertilizer.

The Chinese Rose, Hibiscus

The hibiscus, or the Chinese rose, has many varieties that can be grown either in pots or the ground in the garden. This beautiful plant is a summer flower with a large variety of colors. The Hibiscus particularly appreciates light, heat, and humidity, and hates frost or cold. It can live up to two or even three years in a pot in your apartment and 10 years in the ground, as long as you keep it away from any form of cold.

In comparison with the other exotic flowers, the hibiscus can be exposed to direct sunlight. You need to water it approximately every three days during the growth period, but be aware that the water does not stagnate at the bottom of the pot. To avoid this, we advise you to put a layer of clay balls at the bottom to avoid the phenomenon.

Strelitzia or the Bird of Paradise

The bird of paradise is the second name of the strelitzia, called this because of the beautiful flower’s shape. This flower is a bi-colored one, which makes it a graceful and decorative element on its own. You can find it all over the world in tropical gardens. You can grow it indoors because it likes warmth and indirect exposure to the sun.

The strelitzia also appreciates the humidity very much, as it is an exotic plant. You may need to water it regularly to maintain it and let it grow. Its foliage is very dense, which gives it a particular aesthetic aspect.

To be able to grow it in the garden, you should make sure that the temperature is warm and humid enough even during winter. Otherwise, you should protect it. Once you have found the ideal place for it, the strelitzia requires very poor maintenance. You may just need to remove the dry leaves.

You may not always have the change to travel, especially in exotic regions all over the world, but you can easily bring this tropical hot weather directly to your garden by planting exotic flowers in your garden. With their radiant colors and very wild scent, they can make your travel instantly in the most impressible regions where you can reconnect with nature.