Daffodils are trendy plants found in most gardens. Its beautiful fragrance makes it a lovely plant to plant both indoors and outdoors.

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The flower appears in spring and symbolizes the return of sunny days. The flowering is short-lived but is always charming. Ideal for borders and beds, or in pots, it gives a magnificent beauty and joy to gardens.

Daffodils arrived in Europe during the Renaissance. They are easy to cultivate. You can even force the bulbs to bloom early and enjoy their scent for the holiday season.

Daffodils come in multiple colors that you can pair with others spring flowering bulbs, such as hyacinths or tulips.

Today, we are going to discover more about the history and the beauty of this flower as well as the following:


The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus, and the family of Amaryllidaceae. This bulbous plant is 20 to 40 cm high. Nevertheless, it offers a unique flower, a real golden crown with a wavy edge, yellow or white, depending on the variety.

The beautiful daffodil is dressed in elegant linear and cylindrical foliage. The genus Narcissus has nearly 3000 species, divided into 10 categories.

Simple daffodils are usually yellow flowers. They are also available in white, or even with an orange or pale pink color, depending on the species.

Some varieties are delicately scented and give off a smell close to the orange blossom. Its flowering lasts between 8 and 15 days, though, so enjoy it while you can.

The daffodil is more or less rustic. Some require protection in winter outside. Others are fine in the garden, where they become naturalized quickly.

The Legend

Native to Central Europe, North Africa, and Asia, the narcissus derives its name from Greek mythology and the famous legend of Narcissus. Son of the nymph Liriopé and the river god. Narcisse was a boy of incredible beauty but endowed with excessive pride. The nymph, Echo, rejected by the young man, cursed him for revenge. One day when he was drinking from a spring, he looked at his reflection in the water and fell in love with it. Inhabited by a passion that cannot be satisfied, he eventually dies. White flowers called ” daffodils ” were discovered in the same place where his body was found.

This story gave the term “narcissistic,” designating a person who loves himself excessively.

Daffodil Planting

The daffodil likes fertile, deep, and well-drained soils. Avoid excessively heavy and humid soils, which favor the development of parasites. Choose sunny and sheltered places. More or less rustic, it can resist depending on the variety at -15 ° C.

The daffodil can stay in place for several years. Plant them from September to November.

Preferably use a bulb planter or a simple hoe, and plant the bulbs quickly after their purchase.

Prepare the soil by digging to a depth of 20 cm to make it free of grass and stones. Add a little sand to help the drainage of clay soils.

Plant each bulb approximately 10 cm deep. As the bulb tends to rise, it is better to bury it more profoundly. Cover with soil and water moderately.

Make sure to leave about 5 cm between each bulb.

Planting the Daffodil in a Pot

The daffodil grows very well in pots and planters. Choose containers with pierced bottoms to facilitate drainage. Place a 5 cm layer of gravel or clay balls at the bottom of the box, and then fill with suitable potting soil.

Place the bulbs so that they are flush with the surface of the soil. Be careful not to over-tighten the lamps so that they do not touch, but also avoid sticking them to the wall of the pot, as they may be cold. Keep in mind to water regularly.

Care and Maintenance

Water moderately, without soaking the soil, so as not to rot the bulb.

In winter, if temperatures drop in cold regions, protect the leaves of the daffodil with a winter veil. Tuck the daffodils in pots as soon as their first leaves appear. You should place them in a bright place with plenty of sun.

You can put some manure or decomposed compost on the surface. However, never add manure or fertilizer when you plant your bulbs.

Add a special bulb fertilizer, from flowering to yellowing the half the leaves.


In the language of flowers, the daffodil has its meaning associated with love. This flower is the symbol of a loving desire, but of a passion that is slow to be satisfied. When we offer this flower, we may want to convey the message of an absolute passion, but a love that can no longer wait.

In some cases, offering a daffodil can be considered an ultimatum. We want to tell that person that we are burning with desire for them, that we can no longer go unanswered. It also expresses the uncertainty that this desire can fade eventually.

Besides, to offer a narcissus is to say, “I am burning with love for you, and I can no longer wait.” However, the daffodil also evokes a tender and delicate love. The flower has become the official emblem of the Grandmother’s Day.

Interesting Facts

To keep your bouquet of daffodils as long as possible, cut the stems angle and stop the liquid flowing from the stems. Let the stems dry for 30 minutes, then soak in cold water for 1 to 2 hours.

The scent can sometimes be heavy, so if possible, avoid offering it to a person in maternity areas or in hospitals.

The daffodil is the emblem of Wales. On March 1, a national holiday, Welsh people are used to wear a daffodil in their buttonhole on this occasion.

The daffodil is part of La Guirlande de Julie, a memorable gift from Charles de Montausier offered to Julie d’Angennes in 1641. It is a collection of poems written by the most excellent writers at that time.

The daffodil offers a bright, yellow, or white flower, sometimes very fragrant. They require little maintenance, grow on their own, and they can even naturalize. They bloom early in the spring and at the end of winter. There are hundreds of varieties: small or taller, with single or double flowers. Moreover, daffodils offer great diversity. The flower is easy to grow, mostly hardy, and does not suffer from any pests or diseases.