The goldenrod flower, also known as European goldenrod, is an herb of Latin America. It grows like a weed by sides of the road in Northern America and some European countries. It derives its name from the golden color of the flower.

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As you read this, you can learn the following:

• General Characteristics of Goldenrod flowers
• History
• How to Grow Goldenrod flowers
• How to Care for Goldenrod flowers
• Varieties of Goldenrod
Health Benefits of Goldenrod

General Characteristics of Goldenrod Flowers

How to classify goldenrod flower remains a controversial topic among botanists, as some claim the plant is an invasive weed, while others consider it as a type of wildflower.
Irrespective of the right or wrong classification, what everyone can agree on is that goldenrod is a very colorful plant that beautifies the garden. Goldenrod is not always colorful as it looks like a weed when it is out of bloom, goldenrod blooms from midsummer till fall.

Goldenrod has many species, but the most common species are slim and tall with fluffy and have golden flower spikes. Goldenrod got its name from the plant’s spindly presentation.


The scientific name for a goldenrod flower is Solidago, which is coined from the Latin word “solidare”, meaning “bring together,” or “to join.” Ancient German soldiers gathered goldenrod flowers before going to any battle as they saw them as good wound herbs. It is still widely recognized in Germany as a good treatment for wounds.

How to Grow Goldenrod Flowers

Goldenrod is a plant that grows rapidly and can easily spread through your garden. Due to its invasive nature, it is easy to get the seedling. If you want to grow this flower, here’s how to go about that;

1. Goldenrod seeds are readily available at most local garden centers, and you can also cut the seed from a goldenrod plant in a public space.

2. Spread the seed across a wide area with moist soil, be careful only to spread the seeds where you want the goldenrod flower to be.

3. Always sprinkle water on the soil til the plant shoots out.

4. Cut off and add compost to dead stalks every late fall.

5. Divide and transplant the flower in the preceding spring if you want it to multiply exponentially. However, you need to be careful when transplanting the seed as it can be very aggressive.

How to Care for Goldenrod Flower

Light: Goldenrod needs to be planted in an environment with good access to sunlight.

Soil: Goldenrod flowers are very tough. As such, it requires little soil nutrients when mature, and you can notice it in the way they grow on roadsides with poor soil conditions. The only thing you need to ensure is to have a good irrigation system for young plants.

Water: Water goldenrod flower when young, but when they mature and well-established, they don’t need much care.

Temperature and Humidity: Goldenrod flower can thrive in any environment with good access to sunlight. A slight change in humidity and temperature won’t affect the plant.

Fertilizer: It’s not necessary to add fertilizer to goldenrod flowers as they can thrive in an environment with very little access to essential nutrients. However, if you want the plant to grow rapidly, then you should add fertilizer to the soil if it lacks some essential nutrients.

Varieties of Goldenrod

Over a dozen species of solidago grows in the New England region of the United States. Goldenrod flowers are a specie of solidago with a botanical name Solidago Canadensis. Species of solidago with the name Solidago speciosa has similar variety with very identical physiological features with the goldenrod flower. The only difference is that Solidago speciosa is shorter as it can only grow to a height of 3 feet.

Some other varieties are;

• Old-field (Solidago nemoralis): The most differentiating Physiological feature between Old-field and other varieties is that it is shorter. The flower of Solidago nemoralis is also a bit cylindrical-shaped than other varieties.

• Zigzag (Solidago flexicaulis): It got its name from the zigzag pattern of the leaf. This variety of Solidago grows to a height of 3 feet.

• Seaside (Solidago semperivirens): This variety of Solidago can be found by the seashore, and it thrives in this kind of environment because it is tolerant of saltwater. The height of Solidago semperivirens varies between 1 to 8 feet high.

• White goldenrod (Solidago bicolor): This species is quite unique because the blooms are not yellow but white.

Health Benefits of Goldenrod

Urinary Tract Health: Goldenrod has some antiseptic and astringent properties that make the plant a useful substance for treating illnesses associated with urinary tract infections. Goldenrod is also used for improving the function of the kidney and for curing kidney stones.

Healthy Skin: You can use the leaves and flowers of the goldenrod plant for treating burns and wounds. You can ground and mix the plant with essential oil and add it to aching muscles, joints, and sores.

Colds and Allergies: Grinding and adding a tincture of goldenrod to the nose can help to cure watery eyes, sneezing, and runny eyes as a result of seasonal allergies. Goldenrod is also used to treat and soothe sore throats primarily because of its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. The scent of the goldenrod flower reduces nasal congestion.

Fungal Infections: Goldenrod is a widely known cure for athlete’s foot and yeast infections. Essential oils from goldenrod also help to relieve any discomfort as a result of fungal infections.

Soothes the Body and Mind: You can apply essential oils from goldenrod flower to your neck, the bottom of your feet and shoulders to calm your body and mind if you feel stressed or anxious.


Goldenrod flowers are a versatile addition to any garden. They give your home a great floral arrangement and bring a bright hue to your landscape. In addition to being an attractive flower, goldenrod flowers are great herbs for curing allergies, fungal infections, and other illnesses. You can’t go wrong planting goldenrod flowers in your garden.