Hearing the term “balloon flower” may set off all kinds of weird images in your head. How does such a flower even work? Is there a balloon protruding from it? Why is it called this?

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These are just a few of the questions that people ask when they hear of such a flower. You’re not wrong for thinking that the flower is unique. This applies way past just the name of it. The name comes from the way how the blooms pop. When they do so, they can then become incredible flowers.

These flowers can be a variety of colors, which include white, pink, and purple. As you may expect, the balloon flower’s origin is in Asia. If you want to grow these amazing plants, then you need to know the basics. This article covers all that information, including:

  • Planting
  • Care
  • Pruning
  • Container growth
  • Common issues


If you don’t plant seeds, you can never have fully developed plants. Of course, there’s more to the process than just planting seeds. There are about four things that come together for successful planting.

The first thing is the soil. Balloon flowers are not too fond of soil that isn’t drained. For best results, go all-out to ensure that your soil is well-drained prior to planting.

The next piece of the puzzle is sunlight. Most plants require sunlight to grow, though the quantities required may be different. Partial shade or full sunlight works best for balloon flowers, since they thrive in either.

Water is the third piece of the puzzle, as it helps the plants to get the nutrients they need. Regular watering should be a part of your routine. However, you should never be feeling wet soil when you touch it.

Finally, use a slow-release fertilizer during the spring.


Planting a seed is one thing. However, if you don’t administer the proper care after doing so, you may be giving your plant a death sentence. Doing so would be a shame, since balloon plants are so majestic once they begin blooming.

An important point to note is that a plant hasn’t failed because it doesn’t bloom during its first year. Balloon plants do not bloom during that time. In fact, you may not see any blooms until the second summer after you have planted them.

Try to plant the seed indoors during spring. You need only press the seed in at the top of the soil. It should be placed somewhere well-lit. A lot of light is needed to promote adequate growth. Once a few weeks pass, you can move the flower to a pot or outdoors.

Assuming you follow these directions, expect amazing growth from your flowers.


Balloon flowers are susceptible to diseases that are transmitted from other plants. Therefore, you want to ensure that the shears you are using for pruning are clean. You can do this by soaking the shears in a bleach solution.

The best time to do your pruning is during the spring. Wait to do so until you can see new growth. You should also be able to see old stems and dead stems. These must be removed to promote growth.

Do the removal at the base, but do not cut the plant’s crown, as that spells imminent danger. There is also the matter of height. Whatever the plant’s height is, cut it halfway. The reason for this is to allow more compact growth. When your plant grows in such a manner, no stalking is required.

Dead blooms can cause your plant to stop blooming early, so ensure you pick them off.

Container Growth

Balloon plants do not have a simple root system. This complexity makes it hard to move them once a certain height is achieved. If all your plant migrations before this have been simple, prepare for quite a change of pace.

Note that you don’t need to worry about moving them immediately. This is because they can thrive in pots for a surprisingly long time. In fact, a medium-sized pot is perfect for housing them for their first year. There are even cases where the same sized pot can be used for another year. Just remember that the plants require sunlight and regular watering.

When the plants start growing, stalking may become necessary for supporting them. When they get to such a size, consider moving them to the garden. This recommendation is made because balloon plants stand among the ranks of those that hate disturbances. Less moving results in better growth.

Common Issues

Balloon plants don’t attract a lot of pests. However, they are known to be irresistible to creatures such as slugs and snails. Be that as it may, your main worries are improper conditions and how they affect the plants.

The first of these is root rot. Avoiding this is the reason that using well-drained soil is recommended. Winter planting is a common reason for this. Soil cannot drain as well in winter as it does in spring or summer. If you are having soil drainage challenges, consider adding some sand to the soil.

Note that the leaves of these plants can get damaged if they are too damp. One way to mitigate this is by thinning the plant. Doing so promotes better air circulation for your balloon flowers.

You may also notice pale spots that appear on the leaves. If you do, it’s best to remove them immediately.


Balloon plants can be as unique in their behavior as they are in name. Not many plants pop themselves into bloom. They originate in Asia and can provide you with amazing visuals if you take good care of them.

The seeds of these plants must be planted in well-drained soil. Regular watering is necessary, and sunlight is also appreciated. It’s best to start by planting the seeds indoors during spring. They can be moved when the plant is growing.

Prune your plants with clean shears. You should do this during spring when you see new growth. Remove dead stems, old stems, and dead flowers. A medium-sized container works for growth for up to two years before a garden environment becomes necessary.

While there aren’t many pests, balloon flowers can die from exposure to improper conditions.