Some daisy types are perennial plants and return each year. This depends on the hardiness zone in which they are planted. If you’re looking for an easy plant to take care of, this is it. Plus, they add some cheery bursts of color to the landscaping or garden. Often, daisies can attract butterflies and can look wonderful when cut and added to bouquets or vases. To grow and maintain them, either indoors or outside, you need to follow a few steps. However, they’re hardy and grow well in almost any conditions. Therefore, you don’t need to stress too much.

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In this article, you are going to learn the following:

  • How to plant daisies
  • How to care for daisies outdoors
  • How to care for daisies indoors

How to Plant Daisies

The first step is to determine if you want to buy transplants, start the seeds inside, or start them outdoors. If you desire to have your blooms the same year as you plant them, consider transplants or start them indoors. Seeds that are planted in the ground aren’t likely to bloom until the second year.

You also need to decide when to plant. Directly sow seeds or transplant in early spring after the last frost. If you’d like to start daisies inside, plant your seeds between six and eight weeks before the last frost. Look at a frost chart in your region or country to determine previous frost dates.

When planting daisies indoors, use containers. Pour a seed-starting mixture into pots or trays. You can choose to make your own mixture or use a commercial brand. Poke a hole into the medium using a toothpick. Plant your seeds to point downward. Then, brush the soil over the top to cover. Make sure that the mixture stays moist and at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, the seeds need about eight hours of sunlight each day.

If you plan to plant the daisies outside, choose your spot and clear it. Daisies love full sunlight, but partial light can also work. Pick an area with a well-drained soil that is moist. Remove the growth from the ground to prevent overcrowding. It’s possible for daisies to live in poor soil. However, if you want them to grow well, consider a moderate soil that’s not poor or rich.

You need to prepare the soil and use organic compost or aged manure. This isn’t necessary, but it can help you achieve larger blooms. Then, you can level the soil using a hoe and lightly tamp it down.

Existing seedlings should be spaced about 12 to 24 inches apart on every side. This ensures that the plants have plenty of room to grow and thrive.

Once you have planted the seeds, you should water them immediately. Make sure to check the soil periodically and water it again whenever it looks dry.

How to Care for Daisies Outside

Once you have planted the flowers, you should wait two weeks and then fertilize them. Plus, you should fertilize every month afterward. You can use an all-purpose fertilizer, such as one with a 10-10-10 ratio. Consider a product that’s higher in phosphorus (the middle number) right before the daisy blooms. When using a granular fertilizer, you can sprinkle it onto the soil using your hands or a spreader. A water-soluble fertilizer needs to be applied with a watering can or sprayer. Regardless of the method, measure out the compost based on the instructions.

While daisies don’t have a specific watering schedule, you do need to water them periodically. It’s best if you let the soil dry out a little between waterings. You can check the top five inches of soil; when it is dry, water the plants from underneath so that the leaves don’t get wet. Generally, you should do this in the morning. Of course, daisies don’t need to be watered in winter unless it’s particularly dry that season. If that happens, give them about one to two inches of water every other month.

You should also prune and deadhead the daisies as necessary. Prune any dead leaves away and snip off the flower heads when they start looking old or worn. This can encourage regrowth. If you want to collect the seeds, stop pruning them toward the end of the growing season, which is based on location.

How to Care for Daisies Indoors

The first step is to put the daisies into a container. It should be about 12 inches high with at least two drainage holes. Plastic or glazed ceramic pots can prevent wilting and can keep the soil moist.

You want to keep daisies in sunlight as much as possible during the summer, fall, and spring seasons. In wintertime, indirect sunlight is okay, but they need between three and five hours of it. Remember to turn the plant once a week a quarter turn if the light source only hits one side.

It’s important to water the daisies and keep them at the optimal temperature for growth. Check the topsoil about one inch down. If it feels dry when you touch it, water the plant deeply. Let the pot drain thoroughly and pour any excess water out if the drip tray gets waterlogged. That way, the daisies do not sit in soggy dirt. Generally, daisies like temperatures 40-70 degrees Fahrenheit and you shouldn’t let the leaves get wet when you water the plant.

Fertilizer is essential, so make sure to feed the daisies during the summer and spring. Use an all-purpose fertilizer once a month, but not during the winter and fall. Consider a water-soluble fertilizer with a ratio of 15-5-15.

Deadhead your daisies and prune them as necessary. You should always use clean, sharp scissors and trim them as close to the stem as possible. If the bloom starts to wilt, snip off the head of the flower.


When it comes to taking care of daisies, you might find that it is quite easy to do so. Therefore, it is a great plant for a beginner gardener. Just make sure to give them plenty of sunlight and keep them pruned and watered. You are sure to enjoy them for many years to come.