The Lotus flower is one that has some of the most positive meanings of all the ones that are available. These meanings include majesty, grace, purity, fertility, richness, serenity, and knowledge. In fact, India’s national flower is the Pink Lotus. The flower comes in both white and pink colors, and it grows in water. The water tends to either be shallow or murky, and the flowers don’t like cold water. This is the reason that they tend to not blossom during the winter. Lotus flowers can be identified by their long stems. These stems have air spaces that help with buoyancy maintenance. The flowers are native to Asia, and it thrives in numerous climates in the continent. In this article, you can expect to learn some fundamentals where Lotus flower care is concerned. This includes:

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  • Heat and light
  • Fertilizer
  • Potting
  • Water
  • Pests

Heat and Light

Lotus flowers can handle some level of shade. This is even more so when the climate is warm. However, the plants thrive more when they are exposed to full sunlight. This is the type of situation that helps their blooming and growth the most. However, very hot climates such as those of the desert are an exception. This is because that level of heat can prove detrimental to the Lotus. In those instances, some amount of shade cloth is best. To do well, Lotus flowers have a temperature requirement of 75 degrees F. They must sit in that kind of temperature for about three months to progress well. Many places around the Asian and Australian continents offer the ideal climate for these flowers to grow. This is the reason that they are known to be native to those continents. A lack of these conditions may cause your Lotus problems.


Fertilizers come in different forms. This is because different plants are receptive to different things. Any good aquatic plant fertilizer should do the trick where Lotus flowers are concerned. Whether it is fast or slow release, you should have no issues. Just ensure that you follow the prescribed instructions, so you get the desired result. Note that the Lotus flower has a very aggressive growth pattern. Therefore, it is best that you use double the recommendation for waterlilies. The recommendation can usually be found on the label. Note that the recommendation metric is expressed per gallon of soil. During the spring, Lotus flowers first make floating leaves, and then standing ones follow. When the standing leaves begin to come in, that is the best time to begin fertilizing. It’s much harder for you to over-fertilize a fast-growing lotus than one that is not at that phase.


The first point of focus here is the cultivars. Typical Lotus cultivars can grow to five or more feet. You need to take special precautions to maximize bloom frequency and size. Therefore, ensure that you are using a container that has a width of no less than two feet. For best results, go with one that is anywhere between three and five feet. The material type of the pot is insignificant, as it depends on what aesthetic you are going for. Many people opt for special ponds or bathtubs. Others go for plastic or ceramic pots because they want to put them out on a patio. Ensure that you are using a container that does not have holes. Also, a pot that has a greater width than height is ideal for this purpose. You only need four inches of soil, and you must try to stay away from commercial mixes.


This is a very important point where Lotus flowers are concerned. The first matter is that of the water depth. There should be at least two to four inches of water above the highest point of the soil. In other words, the soil must always be submerged underwater. Note that a taller lotus plant can grow in even more water. However, more energy is required, and there is less warmth in water that is not shallow. Dwarf Lotus flowers can be placed in water that is anywhere between two and 12 inches deep. The second matter is that of the water chemistry. Note that Lotus plants are quite adaptive where this is concerned. However, be careful with water sources that are hard and alkaline. Minerals can accumulate in the water over time, and there is more of this whenever water is added. Therefore, an occasional flush is recommended.


The kinds of pests that Lotus plants encounter depend on the location of the plant. However, like many other plants, they do deal with various insects. Whether or not an insecticide is organic, it can cause great harm to a Lotus flower. In fact, it can even result in the death of the Lotus. This is because Lotus leaves are known to have fine hairs, which make oils and detergents a problem. What is best is to apply special mixtures based on the pests you are fighting. So, for spider mites, white flies, and aphids, use a water solution of diatomaceous earth powder. Dipel can be used for the China mark moth, while any other brand can be used for caterpillars. You can also fight off aphids and the mark moth by removing floating leaves. However, you should only do so once the standing leaves have come up.


In this article, you learned some interesting facts about the Lotus and what you can do to ensure that your flowers flourish to the best of their ability. The flower has several positive meanings and is native to both the Asian and the Australian continents. Lotus flowers enjoy full sunlight, though they can survive in minimal shade. Aquatic fertilizer works best, but you should use twice the recommendation because of a Lotus’ growth rate. Wide pots are best, such as those between three and five feet wide. Soil should be submerged at least two inches below the water level in the pot. Avoid traditional insecticides and stick to more specific compounds.